vvo / gifify

😻 Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.
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gifify is hanging the computer while converting even small video files #97

Closed karuppiah7890 closed 3 years ago

karuppiah7890 commented 6 years ago

My computer literally hangs while trying to convert 10 seconds of a 5 MB video to GIF. And sometimes it takes too long to convert it into a GIF, but it does finally. And my computer has 4 GB RAM

vvo commented 6 years ago

I am sorry yes I do also find the processing to be REALLY HEAVY, I don't know how to solve that ultimately.

fogine commented 6 years ago

Well, at the current state it's unusable. While converting 800k 60sec mp4 it eats all 16GB of available RAM... and without swap it crashes right after...

pixelastic commented 6 years ago

I've recently installed gifify on a new laptop, and I can confirm it hangs even for short recordings, and freezes my whole laptop, forcing me to a hard reboot.

The only difference I can think of is the version of ffmpeg installed that is newer on this laptop, but I don't know how I could fix it.

As a workaround, I've re-implemented the gifify logic I needed with commandline tools: ffmpeg to convert a video into a set of still png files, convert to convert those files into a gif and gifsicle (the pornel fork) to compress it. Results are similar to what gifify was doing, but I lost the easy to use API and some other features.

vvo commented 6 years ago

There might be a flag used in gifify that is triggering this indeed. Long time I used gifify. I just use gifox when recording which have very good results: https://gifox.io/

Do try to change some flags if you want gifify speed back, let us know!