(1) MINI-Reivew: A review of all our BICePs papers so far, AND references to and comparisons with existing code bases (MELD, ISD, Metainference)
(2) New featuresd in BiCePS2.0:
a. Chemical shifts
b. support for tyhe 6-dimensional prior for HDX observables
c. amino-cid J-couleing constant
(3) Practical aspects of using BIcePs
d. Easy-to-use (?) user interfact with standard input and output files
e. Analysis tools to check covergence and visualliction
f. open-source python library _+ API accessible on Github with lots if iPython notebok examples and tutorials.
(1) MINI-Reivew: A review of all our BICePs papers so far, AND references to and comparisons with existing code bases (MELD, ISD, Metainference)
(2) New featuresd in BiCePS2.0: a. Chemical shifts b. support for tyhe 6-dimensional prior for HDX observables c. amino-cid J-couleing constant
(3) Practical aspects of using BIcePs d. Easy-to-use (?) user interfact with standard input and output files e. Analysis tools to check covergence and visualliction f. open-source python library _+ API accessible on Github with lots if iPython notebok examples and tutorials.