During a discussion about machine learning in VL it was made apparent that the VL.Runway library uses a node factory from the data downloaded about Runway models. This happens at runtime, allowing users to generate easy to use nodes tailored to the purpose.
The Runway example shows how handy this can be, but this sort of development is only possible in c#.
this is the initialization that has to be compiled into the dll
so as long as we don't have attributes, we can't do anything like that
While I believe there is some form of attributes in VL I'm not sure they could be applied in the way the file above would need them, but even with that said, maybe there could be a nicer process to register and initialize the factories?
During a discussion about machine learning in VL it was made apparent that the VL.Runway library uses a node factory from the data downloaded about Runway models. This happens at runtime, allowing users to generate easy to use nodes tailored to the purpose.
The Runway example shows how handy this can be, but this sort of development is only possible in c#.
As Tebjan explained in relation to this file:
While I believe there is some form of attributes in VL I'm not sure they could be applied in the way the file above would need them, but even with that said, maybe there could be a nicer process to register and initialize the factories?