vwall / compass-twitter-bootstrap

The twitter bootstrap ported to compass
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$navbarCollapseWidth variable is not working #94

Open meandkareem opened 11 years ago

meandkareem commented 11 years ago

navbarCollapseWidth variable doesn't affect default values. All my other variables works fine .

arnaudvalle commented 11 years ago

having the same issue - possibly related to some SASS parsing bug on @media that was fixed in SASS 3.2.2 (http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_CHANGELOG.html#322). So next time compass gets updated this should be fixed.

In the meantime, I'm just using an actual value rather than a variable in the media queries in _responsive-navbar.scss (it seems to be the only file in the project where it's actually using a variable in a media query anyway) and that does the trick for now.