vwxyzjn / cleanrl

High-quality single file implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with research-friendly features (PPO, DQN, C51, DDPG, TD3, SAC, PPG)
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mujoco recorded video is blank screen #468

Open skr3178 opened 3 months ago

skr3178 commented 3 months ago

I created an env with the requirements file [requirements.txt and requirements-mujoco.txt ]using pip. Both are on python 3.9.19 On running command MUJOCO_GL=egl python ppo_continuous_action.py --track --save-model --upload-model --hf-entity cleanrl --env-id Humanoid-v4 --seed 1

the recorded videos are blank/black screen.

There was another env I experimented with and the videos created from it on training recorded humanoid in mujoco (it works as expected).

skr3178 commented 3 months ago

comparison of the videos.



skr3178 commented 3 months ago

works with pip install mujoco==3.1.4 pip install gymnasium==0.29.1 [cleanrl 1.2.0, stable-baselines3-1.2.0]

I can create a pull request too if needed.