vxiiduu / VxKex

Windows 7 API Extensions
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It even works with Chocolatey qbittorrent! #108

Open Templayer opened 4 months ago

Templayer commented 4 months ago

So, I tried installing qBittorrent via Chocolatey. During the installation, it started the installer, which gave an error that I need Win10.

Instead of closing the error message, I used VxKex to relaunch (the currently not closed) installation (the location of I found out by using the task manager) with Win10 version spoofing.

After installing it, I finally exited the error message from the first installer instance.



And it is seemingly working fine! (I mean I'm still waiting for peers to join, but the icon is green and there are no errors)


Thank you SO MUCH for doing this for us!

Maybe this should be added to the compatibility docx file?

Feature request: maybe it would be nice if we could not only select an exe or msi file to launch with VxKex, but also set up a folder. AND set it up with version spoofing as well. Usage scenario? Setting up the Chocolatey folders to have anything launched from inside (like installers) with Win10 version spoofing. And an exception list... :P

Templayer commented 4 months ago

HandBrake works as well!


EDIT: Unfortunately, not through Chocolatey, as the same trick doesn't work there. It would be great if there was a workaround for Chocolatey. It is currently the go-to package manager for Win7...

vxiiduu commented 4 months ago

If you want everything from Chocolatey to be run under VxKex, try enabling VxKex for Chocolatey itself. All programs started from a VxKex-enabled program will have VxKex enabled unless the "Disable for child processes" option is checked. If you need version spoof for specific programs, then set that up separately in the properties dialog for programs that need it.

Templayer commented 4 months ago

I tried that previously (I had the very same idea), and it doesn't work.


Templayer commented 4 months ago


vxiiduu commented 3 months ago

I made the Chocolatey GUI work with VxKex, it will be working in the next update.


How were you launching apps through the GUI? It seems to be only for installing and uninstalling programs.

Templayer commented 3 months ago

How were you launching apps through the GUI? It seems to be only for installing and uninstalling programs.

I never wrote in this thread about launching apps. :> (yes, that is a smiley)

Usage scenario? Setting up the Chocolatey folders to have anything launched from inside (like installers) with Win10 version spoofing.

ChocolateyGUI needs to have VxKex at a per-case basis. When installing some of the applications, I wish not to have VxKex enabled. I only need VxKex to be enabled for specific applications. And by applications I mean their installation/tool folders and temp files in Chocolatey.

When installing, Chocolatey runs an installer and also additional tools, scripts, etc.

That is why I proposed the folder-basis solution. An installation script has failed due to needing Win10? Well, it still created a folder - let me set that specific folder in Chocolatey to enable VxKex for it. And then try again, this time with VxKex support for that application under Chocolatey. Same for upgrading an application via Chocolatey...

vxiiduu commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately it's just impossible, as far as I know, to make something like that happen. It would be useful yes, but just being able to point to a specific EXE is the best I can do. It is even lucky that that is possible, because in Windows XP and Windows Vista, the Image File Execution Options feature can only refer to EXE by its name and not even by its location. So all EXEs with the same name would be affected.