vxiiduu / VxKex

Windows 7 API Extensions
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[WORKING] IntelliJ IDEA #154

Open cutiegin opened 3 months ago

cutiegin commented 3 months ago


ms2048 commented 3 months ago

Edit: so, basically all my problems were related to me using an older VxKex version. The issues described below all disappeared when I used the proper version. The problem with JetBrains Tools being unsupported on Win7 still remains, though, see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-315137

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2024.1 didn't work for me, complaining about the lack of 'api-ms-win-core-job-l2-1-0.dll'. Same with PyCharm Professional 2024.1 (also from JetBrains).

Also: some earlier versions (tested PyCharm Professional 2023.2) - while starting without error with VxKex and W10 version spoofing - are still not fully functional. For example, trying to open any .md file for editing will fail, which probably has something to do with the CEF being used for handling the interactive previews - that is what JetBrains themselves cite as a reason for dropping Win7 support, see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-315137

This is probably a lost cause. Last versions of JetBrains tools officially supporting Win7 are around 2023.1.x.