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Addition of virtual events. #23

Open iogf opened 7 years ago

iogf commented 7 years ago

It may be better to implement custom keymaps for plugins to use virtual events like:

class ExampleEvent(object):
    def __init__(self, area):
        self.area = area
        area.install(('BETA', '<<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>', self.output_data))
        area.event_add('<<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>', '<Key-h>')

    def output_data(self, e):
        self.area.insert('end', 'This is nice')

install = ExampleEvent

or it could be.


Just a test to demonstrate virtual events.


Mode: BETA
Event: <<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>, <Key-h>
Description: insert the text 'This is nice' on the focused

class ExampleEvent(object):
    def __init__(self, area):
        self.area = area
        area.install(('BETA', ('<<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>', '<Key-h>', ...), self.output_data))
        # area.event_add('<<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>', '<Key-h>')

    def output_data(self, e):
        self.area.insert('end', 'This is nice')

install = ExampleEvent
Malex commented 6 years ago

I do prefer the first one, but I don't get why going for this. Is it a shortcut to bind multiple keys to the same function? Like << VirtualEvent >> -> my_pretty_function Key-a -> << VirtualEvent >> Key-b -> << VirtualEvent >>


iogf commented 6 years ago

The main goal would be turning it easier for users to remap functionalities. Instead of having to remap a key to a key, one could just remap a custom event to a keypress. The custom event would be documented by the plugin. Basicly, you would do something like:

remap('<SomeFunctionality>', '<Key-x>')

Instead of

remap('<Key-y>', '<Key-x>')

Where Key-y is linked to some function. It is much more meaningful to have


rather than


when having to remap keys.

Malex commented 6 years ago

Definetly true. Although it could also be done the other way around by having a way to pass plugins params from vyrc where you could specify the keys you desires (as well other configurations some plugins might need, like where to find a language server if a plugin needs one) and, only if not found, fallback to default.

I still think remap is a cool feature to keep, but I do think it should not be the default for plugins key.