vydd / sketch

A Common Lisp framework for the creation of electronic art, visual design, game prototyping, game making, computer graphics, exploration of human-computer interaction, and more.
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Make resizable sketchs #59

Closed Gleefre closed 1 year ago

Gleefre commented 1 year ago


Is there any way to make a sketch resizable? I tried to use sdl2:sdl-set-window-resizable, but the app wasn't able to adapt to resize properly.

Gleefre commented 1 year ago

Hello, I think I was able to find a way for doing it: (in sketch.lisp)

(defmethod kit.sdl2:window-event :before ((instance sketch) type ts data1 data2)
  (when (eq type :size-changed)
    (with-slots ((env %env) width height y-axis) instance
      (setf width data1
            height data2
            (env-view-matrix env)
            (if (eq y-axis :down)
                (kit.glm:ortho-matrix 0 width height 0 -1 1)
                (kit.glm:ortho-matrix 0 width 0 height -1 1)))
      (gl:viewport 0 0 width height)
       (env-programs env) :view-m 4 (vector (env-view-matrix env))))))

And to make window resizable:

(make-instance 'app :resizable t)

Will be a pull request welcome?

I must note, however, that I'm not sure what exactly is happening in here, especially for ql:viewport part.

vydd commented 1 year ago

PRs are definitely welcome! If you see an easy way to refactor the code so that we are not copy pasting the y-axis, viewport, and uniform-matrix stuff - that would be great too. Otherwise this at least fixes a bug, so I'm happy to merge that and refactor later.