vydd / sketch

A Common Lisp framework for the creation of electronic art, visual design, game prototyping, game making, computer graphics, exploration of human-computer interaction, and more.
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Original link to crawler2 is broken so this was the closest I could find. #66

Closed Gavinok closed 10 months ago

Gavinok commented 1 year ago

This looks to at least have the examples. I am not completely sure if it's the original author though. If someone with more knowledge on Axion themselves can confirm that would be great.

Gleefre commented 10 months ago

I got confirmation from the author (mfiano) that it is the right link. See https://gist.github.com/psilord/6131a05a793e9ab03b6682d83ef15a41:

<mfiano> Gleefre: No, there was a time when I rewrote crawler like 5 times
         under various brand names :) I have no idea what I was smoking at
         that point in my life. Nothing voluntary, that's for sure.  [17:12]
<mfiano> THe latest incarnation was https://github.com/mfiano/dungen  [17:13]
<mfiano> But the answer to your question was actually "yes". It at one point
         moved from axity.net to bufferswap's repos.  [17:14]
<mfiano> I think that was the first nameless jump  [17:15]
<mfiano> ah no, the first was actually a python codebase, named crawlr,
         without the "e". #2 was the original CL project on axity. #3 was
         crawler2 rewrite to be more efficient with psilord's help on the
         convolution kernel and optimizations. dungen was #4  [17:17]
<mfiano> Was a fun project, but, of course, I would write it a completely
         different way these days (after about 2 years ago me learning about
         how inefficient I wrote the convolution stuff)  [17:18]