vydd / sketch

A Common Lisp framework for the creation of electronic art, visual design, game prototyping, game making, computer graphics, exploration of human-computer interaction, and more.
MIT License
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Adds define-start-function #78

Closed Gleefre closed 9 months ago

Gleefre commented 1 year ago

Adds define-start-function. Copy of the docstring:

If toplevel-name is not specified uses `<name>-toplevel'.
Possible options:
  :setup - defines `sketch:setup' `:before' method
      (:setup (<arg-name>)
  :on-close - defines `kit.sdl2:on-close' `:before' method;
      (:on-close (<arg-name>)
  :start - executed before creating an instance of sketch (on every function call)
      (:start <body>)
  :quit - executed after the instance is closed (only for toplevel function)
      (:quit <body>)

I'd be glad to discuss this functionality in real-time somewhere on IRC for example.