vyhoangquocnguyen / CapstoneProject_G1

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LCD Display Interfacing #7

Closed mikeshams closed 3 years ago

mikeshams commented 3 years ago
  1. How to change the font size from 58 to 510 or vice versa?
  2. Demonstrate your task
vyhoangquocnguyen commented 3 years ago
  1. Most HD44780 based and similar LCDs have two areas for the fonts, the GCROM, and the GCRAM. the GCROM is not editable as this is written by the manufacturer, while the GCRAM allows for user-defined characters. This area allows the user to define 8 characters and is usually used for custom symbols. I found this link as tutorial to help with changing the font https://www.handsonembedded.com/lcd16x2-hd44780-tutorial-5/
  2. Waiting for testing components then we can demonstrate them
vyhoangquocnguyen commented 3 years ago
  1. and this tutorial as well https://www.instructables.com/Custom-Large-Font-For-16x2-LCDs/
vyhoangquocnguyen commented 3 years ago

2nd Issue: the C code I searched is not working properly, I'm writing my own code in C language to test it again. Also, the LCD and the I2C backpack is working fine with python code

mikeshams commented 3 years ago


vyhoangquocnguyen commented 3 years ago

ready to be demostrated sir