vyleung / logseq-helium-plugin

a Logseq plugin to float items (e.g. videos) for an improved note-taking experience
MIT License
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Video does not remain visible in v2.1.2 #20

Open jkielbaey opened 1 year ago

jkielbaey commented 1 year ago


I can activate float-mode and the red balloon shows next to the video, however the video does not remain visible when I'm writing notes. The video simply scrolls out of view. In the developer tools I see following error when I enable float-mode.

index.2869ea90.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: F.getPlayerState is not a function
    at index.2869ea90.js:2:89330
    at fn (index.2869ea90.js:2:71088)
    at index.2869ea90.js:2:72525
(anonymous) @ index.2869ea90.js:2
fn @ index.2869ea90.js:2
(anonymous) @ index.2869ea90.js:2
setTimeout (async)
o.DEFAULT_SET_TIMEOUT @ index.2869ea90.js:2
y @ index.2869ea90.js:2
(anonymous) @ index.2869ea90.js:2
setTimeout (async)
o.DEFAULT_SET_TIMEOUT @ index.2869ea90.js:2
y @ index.2869ea90.js:2
(anonymous) @ index.2869ea90.js:2
setTimeout (async)
o.DEFAULT_SET_TIMEOUT @ index.2869ea90.js:2
y @ index.2869ea90.js:2
v.setDriftlessSpyable @ index.2869ea90.js:2
v @ index.2869ea90.js:2
o.setDriftlessTimeout @ index.2869ea90.js:2
(anonymous) @ index.2869ea90.js:2
Promise.then (async)
V @ index.2869ea90.js:2
(anonymous) @ index.2869ea90.js:2
Promise.then (async)
(anonymous) @ index.2869ea90.js:2
Promise.then (async)
(anonymous) @ index.2869ea90.js:2
a.emit @ index.2869ea90.js:2
#lspmsg# @ index.2869ea90.js:2
(anonymous) @ index.2869ea90.js:2
postMessage (async)
call @ lsplugin.core.js:2
_callUserModel @ lsplugin.core.js:2
callUserModel @ lsplugin.core.js:2
a @ lsplugin.core.js:2
_hook @ lsplugin.core.js:2
hookEditor @ lsplugin.core.js:2
$cljs$core$js_invoke$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic$ @ core.cljs:534
$frontend$handler$plugin$hook_plugin$$ @ plugin.cljs:493
(anonymous) @ commands.cljs:477
$APP.$JSCompiler_prototypeAlias$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2$ @ core.cljs:11351
$frontend$commands$handle_steps$$ @ commands.cljs:680
$frontend$commands$exec_plugin_simple_command_BANG_$$ @ block.cljs:17
(anonymous) @ events.cljs:464
$APP.$JSCompiler_prototypeAlias$$.$cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1$ @ core.cljs:11345
$switch__29909__auto__$jscomp$179$$ @ events.cljs:958
$frontend$handler$events$run_BANG__$_state_machine__29910__auto____1$$ @ events.cljs:958
$cljs$core$async$impl$ioc_helpers$run_state_machine_wrapped$$ @ ioc_helpers.cljs:46
(anonymous) @ ioc_helpers.cljs:53
(anonymous) @ channels.cljs:65
$cljs$core$async$impl$dispatch$process_messages$$ @ dispatch.cljs:29
$channel$jscomp$1$$.port1.onmessage @ nexttick.js:190

Expected behaviour

With float-mode enabled, the video would remain visible at the top of the window as I'm adding more notes.

I'm using LogSeq v0.9.2 with Helium v2.1.2 on MacOSX Ventura v13.2.1.