vynx1 / student_csp

A cummilative project consisting of work in my AP Computer Science Principal Class. Acts as a personal blog and storage for various coding projects such as AI Flappy Bird.
MIT License
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Tri 2 Individ Final Review #1

Open vynx1 opened 4 months ago

vynx1 commented 4 months ago

Link to Blog

Deployment being weird so look at second link Link to Blog2

Link to Video

monke7769 commented 4 months ago


Blog Good: Great CPT project idea! I like the concept of spotify (web streaming platform) with the extra feature of being able to upload songs (I would compare this to soundcloud actually). You demonstrated all of the CPT requirements quite well and it was easy to see what your role was in the project. Bad: The code that you posted was a bit lengthy, so it might have been a bit better to shorten it or add some comments in to explain for viewers.

Video Good: I was blown away by the CSS (its similarity to Spotify!!) Captions were easy to read, and you clearly knew what you were doing when you added the new song.

Bad: The captions were a bit short and didn't explain too much. Although I guess conciseness is good.

Overall, great project! I loved the styling and the project overall was very well done.

SriS126 commented 4 months ago

Component A: Shows a very clear response to all the collegeboard requirements. The explanations are short and excellent. It shows a unique way of using spotify and its songs to make a good project. Overall, excelelnt job on component A.

Component B: The video is really good! It's a bit short and is missing a little correlation, but is overall good as it shows the general overview. Good job!

Score: 0.97/1