vyperlang / vyper

Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM
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Folding Not Supported in Certain Locations #4190

Open ritzdorf opened 4 months ago

ritzdorf commented 4 months ago

Version Information

Several Vyper constructs require or can be optimized if constant values are provided. To achieve this, AST nodes can be folded to constants by the compiler, however, the following locations do not support folding:


The following example demonstrates the different issues.

def foo():
    x: Bytes[32] = slice(msg.data, 0, 31 + 1) # StructureException
def foo(tuple: (uint256,uint256)) -> uint256:
    return tuple[0+1] # InvalidType
k: constant(Bytes[3]) = b'aaa'
def foo():

    a: Bytes[2] = convert (k, Bytes[2]) # compiles instead of failing
    b: Bytes[2] = convert (b'aaa', Bytes[2]) # TypeMismatch
a: constant(uint256) = 12
def foo():
    # The following check is inserted by the compiler although it is not necessary
    # [assert, [iszero, [shr, 128, 12 <12>]]],
    b: uint128 = convert (a, uint128)
topic: constant(bytes32) = 0x1212121212121210212801291212121212121210121212121212121212121212
def foo():
    raw_log([[topic]][0], b'') # InvalidType
ritzdorf commented 4 months ago

One more location to add: default values.


def foo(x: int256 = 2**255-1):

does not compile with:

TypeMismatch('Expected int256 but literal can only be cast as uint256.', vyper.ast.nodes.Int:
charles-cooper commented 1 month ago

One more location to add: default values.


def foo(x: int256 = 2**255-1):

does not compile with:

TypeMismatch('Expected int256 but literal can only be cast as uint256.', vyper.ast.nodes.Int:

this one is expected behavior i think, since 2**255 is out of bounds of the range of int256, and compile-time safemath should match runtime safemath.