vyperlang / vyper

Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM
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VIP: Enable Dynamic Analysis/Symbolic Execution Checks #711

Closed pirapira closed 5 years ago

pirapira commented 6 years ago


VIP: <to be assigned>
Title: assertions that should never-ever fail
Author: Yoichi Hirai <yoichi@ethereum.org>
Type: Standard Track
Status: Draft
Created: 2018-03-21

Simple Summary

Add a special type of assertion that should never ever fail. When a static analyzer can fire it, the program surely has a bug.


Static analyzers can detect bugs, but only when the desired properties are specified. The easiest way is to insert a "never-to-fail" assertions in the program.


Mythril has a feature to detect when 0xfe is somehow reachable. KEVM can soon do that.

assert in vyper is expected to fail sometimes, and it is compiled to REVERT. REVERT might indicate a mistake of the caller, a mistake of the programmer, or a mistake of the compiler. So, static analyzers cannot shout "this is a bug".

Instead, if Vyper has a never-to-fail assertion that translates to INVALID (0xfe), static analyzers can confidently shout "this is a bug. See, this execution reaches INVALID".

Alternatives are specially formatted comments like ACSL or JML, but they are hard to learn.


Add a additional custom constant to the assert statement:

    assert amount != 0, UNREACHABLE

as well as


Backwards Compatibility

A program containing a name assure will cause compillation errors.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0

pirapira commented 6 years ago

Pinging @daejunpark and @ehildenb.

fubuloubu commented 6 years ago

We were talking about this a few months back. The only difference is we were talking about a special comment type for analysis. I think everyone was on board with the concept, but this particular implementation is interesting.

I think a more succinct way to do it is to include valid Python syntax that basically won't compile to anything in "normal" mode, and in static analysis mode would add extra asserts to the bytecode used for analysis, throwing the special opcode as you pointed out.

We would love to leverage this kind of analysis as a tool for our compiler. Perhaps this specification can be leveraged as a standard for any EVM language, and we can build toolsets that make this kind of analysis easier within a language-agnostic framework?

I think with all of our langauges targeting the EVM, we should be thinking much more about toolsets that leverage that layer so we're not duplicating work in every compiler.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

Yes, a common convention would save work. Solidity took the approach "INVALID means never-to-be-executed-if-program-is-sane".


Properly functioning code should never reach a failing assert statement; if this happens there is a bug in your contract which you should fix.

ehildenb commented 6 years ago

I'm in favor of the INVALID opcode means "never to be executed, if so then program has bug". It might not be so with legacy contracts, but I think it makes sense moving forward.

Alternative is making some explicit ASSERTION_FAILURE opcode, but if it would have same runtime behaviour as INVALID I don't see the benefit. If we can think of a different runtime behaviour for it, then it should be considered.

Another alternative is using some unused opcode as the de-facto ASSERTION_FAILURE opcode. This will have the same runtime behaviour as INVALID though, and may not be future-proof.

fubuloubu commented 6 years ago

Yeah, that's a toughy.

Perhaps the code gets added when compiled for FV mode (in either language) and the json assests file contains a listing of those bytecode locations that should trigger analysis failures if reached.

That would start to get into the need to formalize the assets file spec to leverage in different tools (e.g. solc --standard-json/vyper -f json) so that bytecode and metadata could get imported into tools in a standard way.

ehildenb commented 6 years ago

What's wrong with just generating INVALID when the code has an assert ... (or sure ... as @pirapira has above)? I suppose you could only insert it when in FV mode, but I think you would actually want to always insert it, even in production mode. If an assert ... failure is triggered at runtime, you want the contract to throw because people may take advantage of the bug the assert ... is guarding from.

I don't see the need for reading extra metadata, the tools can just analyze "is INVALID ever reachable?", which is a fairly simple query to make for a symbolic execution engine, and I think most static analysis tools should also be able to do something for that style of query.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

(I saw assert was already taken, so I sidestepped.)

fubuloubu commented 6 years ago

@ehildenb It's a suggestion. Some peoople don't want extra code to pollute their contracts, hence having a separate FV-only statement that would get dropped in normal compilation because you've "proved" it's not possible. We could definitely argue whether to give the person the option to include them in their final bytecode.

As far as metadata, it's more a UI thing. Yes the execution engine can tell when it hits a certain statement, but "there's a problem" is more opaque than "there's a problem L17, C40" or "your FVassert statement on line 17 failed"

pirapira commented 6 years ago

@fubuloubu well, programmers have the choice whether or not to use the new sure statements.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

If some programmers go for

    # @static-assert balance > 0

that's their choice.

sure x --> INVALID is just one way, very easy for static analyzers to understand.

fubuloubu commented 6 years ago

Well, in that case, wouldn't it make sense to have assure use the ASSERT under the hood and additionally generate the @static-assert for FV. That way we have three options:

  1. assert -> always check
  2. assure -> always in bytecode, should never happen, FV mode switches this to INVALID for analysis
  3. #@static-assert -> never check, FV only, FV mode adds INVALID for analysis
pirapira commented 6 years ago

@fubuloubu well, #@static-assert is a comment, so it should never translate to any instruction. However, #@static-assert x can be translated into some sort of metadata, which is out of scope of my proposal. My point is that designing a common format of such metadata is hard, while it's easy to set up tools to detect INVALID.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

@fubuloubu I won't believe that the FV mode and non-FV mode behave the same, so if I analyze the FV mode code, I would just deploy the FV mode code.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

@fubuloubu so, I think it's safer to have assure or not to have assure. ~disable assure keyword in the non-FV mode. The compiler should error out ("error: assure keyword is only available in the FV-mode").~

fubuloubu commented 6 years ago

Then you have two copies of the same code (one with the statement and one without), and that's a no-no to me. I think maybe make it more obvious that they're different, and that @assure will be removed in non-FV mode.

fubuloubu commented 6 years ago

Well actually, I screwed that up. assure would always generate bytecode, just use two different opcodes depending on mode, #@static-assert would only get generated in FV-mode

pirapira commented 6 years ago

I will only have one copy of the code with assure, and I only use ~the FV~ (EDIT) one mode.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

I'm not going to use #@static-assert because I don't know what it does.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

@fubuloubu if assure generates different opcodes depending on mode, I won't trust that the two different versions of the generated code behave the same.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

So I'm against any mode thing. That ambiguates the semantics of Vyper.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

If a programmer doesn't like INVALID, they don't use assure.

fubuloubu commented 6 years ago

Hmm, that's a good counterargument re: style. Don't make it complicated right? So people use it correctly.

INVALID strikes me as a bit of a kludge though. Perhaps Vyper generates metadata for the FV tool about which asserts are to be used for what purpose?

pirapira commented 6 years ago

Perhaps Vyper generates metadata for the FV tool about which asserts are to be used for what purpose?

That sounds like the ultimate right thing to do. The proposal here is made for impatient developers of static analyzers who want to try out their techniques today.

ehildenb commented 6 years ago

Well, I'm not sure extra meta-data will be necessary. @pirapira is it the case that Solidity will only generate INVALID for failing asserts? And right now Vyper doesn't generate INVALID at all. So if it's never used for anything else, then it seems like a natural use case.

But, I think either way, we should move forward with generated INVALID, then see how the tools can take advantage of it and how they are limited by not knowing the reason for the INVALID (though, I also think this won't be true, with KEVM you will just be able to look at the resulting final state and see the reason for the most part, and I think other symbolic execution engines will be similar). But if there are limitations uncovered, then we will have data supporting how to structure metadata around the invalids.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

@fubuloubu by the way, never-failing INVALID is cheaper than never-failing REVERT.

Yes, the runtime cost of INVALID is higher (if executed) because INVALID depletes all remaining gas, but remember that never happens. So, the runtime cost is equal (these instructions are never executed, so zero).

The deployment cost is cheaper with INVALID because INVALID takes no inputs, and the program is shorter. REVERT takes two stack elements, so you need to PUSH those on the stack, so the program is longer. So, the deployment cost is more expensive with REVERT.

pirapira commented 6 years ago

@ehildenb yeah, Solidity generates INVALID for failing asserts. @chriseth sounded glad you're going to use it.

jacqueswww commented 6 years ago

Interesting discussion, so I prefer only having a single assert type statement in the base language. It feels like we are altering the base language just to accommodate static analysers? If that is the case, I opt for perhaps a secondary parameter to assert that convert the assert to use invalid opcode. Something like assert False, 'invalid' and additionally we bury the use case somewhere deep in the documentation so no newcomers accidentally use it. But assure or sure also works just fine - as long as we don't really advertise it's usage for newcomers.

ehildenb commented 6 years ago

I think this misses the point though. The sure ... statement (or whatever it ends up being called), is never to be reached, and if it is reached then something has gone horribly wrong and state should be reverted. This is useful in production code in its own right, without even thinking about symbolic execution or static analysis engines. The fact that it makes it easier to feed queries into these engines is just an added bonus (which admittedly, is what prompted @pirapira and I to begin discussing it).

jacqueswww commented 6 years ago

@ehildenb I am probably missing something (very very likely :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), but as far as I understand these never-to-be-reached if statement could just as well use assert?

pirapira commented 6 years ago

@jacqueswww good point. There have been confusions around assert() and require() in Solidity. For me, a less advertised syntax works. If the static analyzers prove themselves useful, users will ask for more convenient syntax. The important thing for me right now is to give some chance for static analyzers to demonstrate their usefulness.

jacqueswww commented 6 years ago

I like the word assure as more violent/stronger keyword to assert if we do go with this route ;)

pirapira commented 6 years ago

@jacqueswww thanks for the suggestion. I updated the description.

fubuloubu commented 6 years ago

I think it's less violent haha, but I like assure a lot. Captures the point well: "give me assurance this thing right here is true, just in case...."

@pirapira I see your point now about REVERT vs. INVALID re: additional gas loss risk being acceptable (as it should never be triggered). :+1:

jacqueswww commented 6 years ago

From meeting: Create an experimental keyword (warning in compiler 'NOTE: you are using experimental features' ) assure that can be tested.

DustinWehr commented 6 years ago

@fubuloubu I think it was you who previously suggested should for this when I brought it up a while back. As I think @pirapira might've been getting at, while there are still doubts about the effects on careless programmers (@ehildenb), something unnecessarily verbose like shouldhold would be perfectly fine for FV people, so might be a good choice temporarily.

I suggest both assure and should. The only difference is that for assure, the main Vyper compiler will reject a program if it doesn't find a proof in a special auxiliary file (or doesn't find a short proof with an SMT solver, etc). should or shouldhold, on the other hand, expresses the developer's intention perfectly, while making clear to anyone reading the code that they can't count on the statement having actually been formally verified (a point made to me by Accord Project's Ergo developer Jerome, when I started this same conversation with them recently).

fubuloubu commented 5 years ago

Would like to note the use cases of this for defining invariant conditions inside code for property-based testing (more here), and checks SMT/SAT solvers and other symbolic analyses and formal verifications

fubuloubu commented 5 years ago

Note: most tools use the 0xfe opcode (designated INVALID) to check for these conditions: https://twitter.com/vwuestholz/status/1102587249521319936

jacqueswww commented 5 years ago

Yep that's the plan.

jacqueswww commented 5 years ago

Actually will put this on my queue now :)

fubuloubu commented 5 years ago

TODO Document new functionality, and give an overview of how it may be used effectively.

jacqueswww commented 5 years ago

As discussed onthe Bi-Weekly meeting I prupose we instead extend assert instead

def test(a: ):
      assert self.cond != 1, UNREACHABLE  # Uses INVALID opcode.

@fubuloubu @charles-cooper I will leave this here for 24 hours, so we can make sure we have made a good call, and then I will amend my previous PR to use the above syntax instead.

montyly commented 5 years ago

That looks like a nice feature!

I am not entirely sure about the UNREACHABLE syntax though, it might be confusing for the reader. I like having two functions, one for inputs validations, and one for holding the code properties. In theory, if your code is bug-free, you could just remove all the code checking the properties (while you need to keep the input validations).

So something like assure /ensure/ @ensure(..) might be less error-prone, and helps the reader to clearly define what is an input validation check, and what is a property.

It would be nice also to have a compilation mode where these properties do emit bytecode. Typically, if I can prove that all my properties are safe, I would want the compiler to not produce code for them. If we have assure/ensure/@ensure(..) syntax, we could have an optional argument: generateCode/isProofed or something like that, which I can set to False/True once I proved it, to indicate to the compiler to not generate code. This argument could even be set by a third-party analyzer.