is it possible to receive a notification (i.e. soundfile or an external script) whenever there is an incoming message?
i am using tg in tmux on osx. so far, i have not found a way to get an actual notification when somebody messaged me. i have an indicator symbol in tmux that shows when something happened in the telegram window, however, since things like User XY is online, User XY marked read 1 outbox and 0 inbox messages etc., this indicator does not help as it always pops up as soon as something happens in my tg window.
it'd be awesome to either set a sound file to play, or maybe run an external script (so one could implement growl or something similar) only when a new message comes in.
is it possible to receive a notification (i.e. soundfile or an external script) whenever there is an incoming message?
i am using tg in tmux on osx. so far, i have not found a way to get an actual notification when somebody messaged me. i have an indicator symbol in tmux that shows when something happened in the telegram window, however, since things like
User XY is online
,User XY marked read 1 outbox and 0 inbox messages
etc., this indicator does not help as it always pops up as soon as something happens in my tg'd be awesome to either set a sound file to play, or maybe run an external script (so one could implement growl or something similar) only when a new message comes in.
is this already possible and i just missed it?
thanks in advance for your help :)