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Problem sending massive msg. Error FLOOD_WAIT_86400 #407

Open kyroii opened 9 years ago

kyroii commented 9 years ago

Hi, I use tg-cli and I really think you're doing dificult job developing tg-cli. I have a problem and maybe you can help me. I've been using tg-cli to send massive telegram messages. Sometimes I send messages to all my contact list. There are not many, only about 100 contacts. I do this through a litle expect script which launch telegram cli, load contact_list and finally send the message. After every message there is a 3 seconds delay.

All was running perfectly until one day I got in my logs this error: FLOOD_WAIT_86400 I get that error when I try to send more than 60 msg's consecutively. I mean, I can send the 60 firsts and then appears the error.

Far as I know this error appears when a user trys to send many msgs, but it worked fine before, so I suppose some rules has changed in telegram. When that happends I can't send messages to the contacts I recived the error until 84600 seconds, or what is the same 1 day.

I've tested this with version Telegram-cli 0.01-beta and Telegram-cli 1.0.3. With vesion 0.001 I get the error FLOOD_WAIT_86400. With version 1.03 I just get the error Bad user/chat id, and of course, I can't send messages to the contacts after a day, as well as with the other version.

The question is, How can I solve this problem? Is there another way to do send messages to all my contact list without problems?

Thanks for your time.

luckydonald commented 9 years ago

Try the (new) broadcast command? Or wait between messages.

Jamuzb commented 9 years ago

luckydonald Did you try broadcast command? Can you help me... Can ou give some examples how to use it.

kyroii did you try put wait between messages. Any news???

Thanks in advance.

luckydonald commented 9 years ago

Well, I don't want to promote message flooding, as it would be against the terms of service. So, you have to figure that out by yourself, sorry.

Telegram bocks that with a reason, and so you should not try to find ways around that.

Jamuzb commented 9 years ago

luckydonald thank you. But My bot is sitting more than 1000 groups and I have FOC service for everyone who wants, I'm giving soccer Live scores. I don't want to spam anyone. Users are subscribing themselves and want to receive messages.

deadmann commented 6 years ago

looking for the same thing (information about flooding and limitations), I'm developing a single application for my company so we can reach our customer, and notify them of many important events (what to do, and what not to do, server maintenance, support required software and information, and so on). the issue is, when i talked to my boss, he was said that maybe after we launch this, even our customer want this service for their own customer, so for us it's not an issue, we may send a message in a long period, but some of our customers have lots of events which they may want to notify their customer of, i thought of broadcast, but wanted to make sure, how to not get marked as spammer, how to control it? and ..., maybe i need to launch a robot, that also allow users to subscribe or unsubscribe to different events. or maybe i even handle it through these APIs, does this API provide what bots can offer? like inline keyboard? (well seem i looked for something else, and asked a totally unrelated question)

afshar-mohammad commented 6 years ago

Sending mass messages by a regular account is the worst idea. You will be marked as spammer very soon. Consider making a bot.

deadmann commented 6 years ago

so should we somehow get another account?