vyuldashev / flysystem-curlftp

Flysystem Adapter for the FTP with cURL implementation
MIT License
37 stars 24 forks source link

created functional tests #1

Closed RubtsovAV closed 7 years ago

RubtsovAV commented 7 years ago

Testing the FTP adapter with different FTP servers. For now, the adapter will be tested with the following servers:


  1. Install docker-compose
  2. Run composer install


Run command in shell

$ tests/functional/run.sh

Example output

Test ftp adapter with pure-ftpd
Creating network "flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_default" with the default driver
Creating flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_pure-ftpd_1
wait-for-it.sh: waiting 30 seconds for pure-ftpd:21
wait-for-it.sh: pure-ftpd:21 is available after 0 seconds
PHPUnit 4.8.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:        PHP 5.6.26
Configuration:  /app/phpunit.xml
Warning:        The Xdebug extension is not loaded
                No code coverage will be generated.


Time: 468 ms, Memory: 5.00MB

OK (12 tests, 12 assertions)
Stopping flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_pure-ftpd_1 ... done
Removing flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_test_run_1 ... done
Removing flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_wait_run_1 ... done
Removing flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_pure-ftpd_1 ... done
Removing network flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_default

Test ftp adapter with vsftpd
Creating network "flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_default" with the default driver
Creating flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_vsftpd_1
wait-for-it.sh: waiting 30 seconds for vsftpd:21
wait-for-it.sh: vsftpd:21 is available after 5 seconds
PHPUnit 4.8.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:        PHP 5.6.26
Configuration:  /app/phpunit.xml
Warning:        The Xdebug extension is not loaded
                No code coverage will be generated.


Time: 1.06 seconds, Memory: 5.00MB

OK (12 tests, 12 assertions)
Stopping flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_vsftpd_1 ... done
Removing flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_test_run_1 ... done
Removing flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_wait_run_1 ... done
Removing flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_vsftpd_1 ... done
Removing network flysystemcurlftptestsfunctional_default

Test completed