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Legal malpractice case filed by doctor revived following New Hampshire ruling - Wentworth-Douglass Hospital #12086

Open swidup opened 6 years ago

swidup commented 6 years ago


swidup commented 6 years ago

Dr. Cheryl Moore of Young & Novis pathology

Moore sued Grau and the law firm over allegations of legal malpractice under the New Hampshire Consumer Protection Act over their representation during a lawsuit initiated by the hospital.

WDH had employed Moore and her practice to provide pathology services, but then decided to terminate them.

Prior to the termination, it was alleged that Moore and others downloaded confidential documents and destroyed electronic data connected to the WDH network. They were alleged to have violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

But it emerged in court documents that Grau, after he was retained, when asked what action the defendants in the suit should take in anticipation of the suit, wrote an email a list of documents and records they should "take."