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Greenville Tech thwarts data breach from hackers who sought ransom, spokesperson says #16176

Open swidup opened 4 years ago

swidup commented 4 years ago

https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/local/2020/08/28/greenville-tech-says-thwarts-data-breach-after-ransom-sought/5662602002/ Not paying the ransom and restoring from backup doesn’t change the fact that they got in and triggered the malware

swidup commented 4 years ago

https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/local/2020/09/01/greenville-tech-backtracks-calls-data-breach-credible-threat/3453854001/ Looks like it wasn’t thwarted after all as docs are posted by hackers.

swidup commented 4 years ago
