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Hackers demand $1 million to halt their leak of user info from Israeli LGBT site - Atraf, Cyberserve #18221

Open swidup opened 2 years ago

swidup commented 2 years ago


swidup commented 2 years ago

https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/jns/iranian-hackers-breach-israeli-web-hosting-company-threaten-to-release-sensitive-data/article_ad16e407-c03b-5df1-bd84-44f3bd2a02f6.html "The group, calling itself “BlackShadow,” shuttered servers belonging to Cyberserve, which provides servers and data storage for companies such as Israel’s Kan public broadcaster, the Israel Lottery, Birthright, the Dan and Kavim public transportation companies, the Children’s Museum in Holon, LGBTQ dating app “Atraf,” tour booking company Pegasus, the Israeli Children’s Museum, and dozens more."