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Harvard Pilgrim says patient information may have been stolen during cyber attack -Point32Health #19790

Open swidup opened 1 year ago

swidup commented 1 year ago


swidup commented 1 year ago


swidup commented 1 year ago

https://www.oodaloop.com/cyber/2023/06/02/information-of-2-5m-people-stolen-in-ransomware-attack-at-massachusetts-health-insurer/ 2.5 million

swidup commented 1 year ago


swidup commented 3 months ago


"Harvard Pilgrim Updates Breach Tally

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care added thousands of individuals to its breach count following further investigation into the 2023 ransomware attack, according to a report filed with the Maine Attorney General’s Office.

As previously reported, Massachusetts-based Harvard Pilgrim suffered a ransomware attack In April 2023, forcing it to take some systems offline temporarily to contain the incident.

In the year since the cyberattack occurred, Harvard Pilgrim has updated its count of the number of individuals impacted twice, adding hundreds of thousands of individuals to the tally. The latest update accounts for developments in Harvard Pilgrim’s ongoing investigation into the incident.

Harvard Pilgrim has since implemented additional security safeguards to prevent future incidents."