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Codespaces #2351

Open krmaxwell opened 10 years ago

krmaxwell commented 10 years ago


Code Spaces : Is Down!

Dear Customers,

On Tuesday the 17th of June 2014 we received a well orchestrated DDOS against our servers, this happens quite often and we normally overcome them in a way that is transparent to the Code Spaces community. On this occasion however the DDOS was just the start.

An unauthorised person who at this point who is still unknown (All we can say is that we have no reason to think its anyone who is or was employed with Code Spaces) had gained access to our Amazon EC2 control panel and had left a number of messages for us to contact them using a hotmail address

Reaching out to the address started a chain of events that revolved arount the person trying to extort a large fee in order to resolve the DDOS.

Upon realisation that somebody had access to our control panel we started to investigate how access had been gained and what access that person had to the data in our systems, it became clear that so far no machine access had been achieved due to the intruder not having our Private Keys.

At this point we took action to take control back of our panel by changing passwords, however the intruder had prepared for this and had already created a number of backup logins to the panel and upon seeing us make the attempted recovery of the account he proceeded to randomly delete artifacts from the panel. We finally managed to get our panel access back but not before he had removed all EBS snapshots, S3 buckets, all AMI's, some EBS instances and several machine instances.

In summary, most of our data, backups, machine configurations and offsite backups were either partially or completely deleted.

This took place over a 12 hour period which I have condensed into this very brief explanation, which I will elaborate on more once we have managed our customers needs.

swidup commented 9 years ago


You know that a hack is bad when the word “murder” is bandied about to describe what was done to your company. And that’s a word that was used to describe the June, 2014 attack on Code Spaces, a seven year-old service that provided hosted project management and code repositories.

The company found itself in a bind after hackers took control of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) control panel that the company used to manage all of its cloud-based assets – both production and backup systems- and demanded ransom to return control to the company. An attempt by Code Spaces staff to regain control resulted in the attackers ‘killing the hostage’: deleting both live and backup servers and customer data. In the end, Code Spaces was forced to tell customers that their data had been lost and that its business would cease operation.