vz-risk / veris

Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing (VERIS)
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verisr and objects in arrays (lists) in the json schema #158

Open gdbassett opened 7 years ago

gdbassett commented 7 years ago

WARNING: The json2veris script doesn't have the concept of item numbers in lists. Normally things in a list might be imported as asset.assets.1.variety and asset.assets.1.amount. Because it doesn't have that, it'd be asset.assets.variety.enumeration and asset.assets.amount (with no enumeration as it doesn't have any 'enums' the way variety does) and the explicit connection between the variety's enum and the amount would be lost.

To handle this, for the asset.assets.variety/amount and attribute.confidentiality.data.variety/amount, the script manually creates asset.assets.amount.[variety enums] and attribute.confidentiality.data.amount.[variety enums] columns in veriscol().

That said, it is unclear where else this might be an issues (and certainly with new objects coming in.

The solution is probably to generalize the solution with something like maintaining the variety-amount pairing in something like list(variety=x, amount=y) so that the relationship is maintained. The down side to this is that now getenum() and other verisr tools need to handle list-columns. That said, it's something that is coming up fairly quickly as veris 2.0 will require it to deal with the list of steps.

gdbassett commented 7 years ago

Affected objects within the schema: attribute.confidentiality.data.amount attribute.confidentiality.data.variety

(impact has previously filtered out by veriscols(), but was added back in a few versions back) impact.loss.rating impact.loss.amount impact.loss.variety impact.loss.min_amount impact.loss.max_amount

asset.assets.amount asset.assets.variety

(IOC would be affected if it wasn't removed during import in veriscols() ioc.comment ioc.indicator

plus.event_chain.action plus.event_chain.attribute plus.event_chain.asset plus.event_chain.actor plus.event_chain.summary

Note: event_chain and ioc are rarely if ever filled in.

gdbassett commented 7 years ago

Asset.assets.variety/amount and attribute.confidentiality.data.variety/amount are both handled uniquely during json record parse in nameveris.recurs in nameveris in json2veris.

gdbassett commented 7 years ago

Surprisingly this does not apply to discovery_method, which is a list of strings, not objects.

gdbassett commented 7 years ago

This will apply to the 'sequence' property in veris 2.0.

gdbassett commented 5 years ago

I think this is handled until we have a different representation of verisr that can handle more abitrary hierarchical structures. (i.e. verisr as a graph)