w-A-L-L-e / printerface

Web interface for reprap's, makerbot's, ultimakers attached to a raspberry pi with usb interface / pronsole
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Not print! #1

Closed bma8315 closed 11 years ago

bma8315 commented 11 years ago

Hello! I start all fine, i may control printer but after upload gcode, printer do nothin. What i do not write?

w-A-L-L-e commented 11 years ago

This weekend I should have some time to pretty up the interface and have feedback from the printer. As far as printing it does work fine for me on 2 printers already. Are you sure your hotend and heated bed are reaching the temp's that are specified in slic3r? To have a better test take a small object that prints in few minutes first print it using pronsole and see that your temp's are good. then print again using printerface. If it's moving using the gui it's most likely not a printerface problem as pressing the move buttons is essentially the same as executing a print ...

Also is your gcode file showing on the page (it should show the name of your file in the print link -> this will also become a dropdown box this weekend to select all past uploaded files). Furthermore make sure it's the gcode file and not the stl file (as it accepts both but I haven't finished the gcode to stl conversion yet)

bma8315 commented 11 years ago

File gcode upload ok and show on page "files", printer move ok and temp work. I see on you video after PRINT GCODE! filename.gcode at me not so.

bma8315 commented 11 years ago

May be in this problem else if( req.url == '/printfile' ){ var lastfile = files[files.length-1].toString(); console.log('last file='+lastfile +"\n"); pronsole.stdin.write( 'load '+lastfile+"\n" ); //pronsole.stdin.write( 'print\n' ); showPrinterPage( res ); }

w-A-L-L-e commented 11 years ago

Totally correct! Yes I forgot to commit that, was working on styling and testing and must have commented that line.

Just remove // here: pronsole.stdin.write( 'print\n' );


w-A-L-L-e commented 11 years ago

I pushed the update. Thanx for pointing it out!

bma8315 commented 11 years ago

Exchanged nothing, doesn't print, axis work, heat work, files upload.

w-A-L-L-e commented 11 years ago

Ok I'll check it when I'm home (at work now).Was planning on working on it this weekend anyway. Should be working. Maybe your permissions are not right for the directory created so that the file load is not reading it...

Basically try killing the node.js process and then do node printerface.js in a console. See what the output is when you run several commands... If you get an error post it here.

Will check this at home but pretty sure it's working for me as I used it yesterday just fine ;)

bma8315 commented 11 years ago

^Cminiand@miniand:~/printerface$ node printerface.js pronsole.py is spawned, waiting 3 seconds and sending connect... stdout: brane.gcode

pronsole: Welcome to the printer console! Type "help" for a list of available commands. PC>No port specified - connecting to /dev/ttyUSB0 at 250000bps PC>Printer is now online PC> moveleft moveright

-- move right -- -- move forward == -- move forward == last file=brane.gcode

-- move up -- last file=brane.gcode

-- move left -- -- move right -- -- move right -- -- move right -- -- move right -- -- move right -- -- move left -- -- move left -- -- move left -- -- move left -- last file=brane.gcode

w-A-L-L-e commented 11 years ago

Yes I comitted a fix. Did a diff with my current working version. It was the path above the print command which was a relative path instead of a fixed path...

Did a new checkout and just started a print of a 12.5 mb gcode file....

w-A-L-L-e commented 11 years ago

Incidently I run mine at 1250000 and not 250000bps. It runs really smooth. Basically the reason people try to bump it to higher bps in windows or os x is because it stalls sometimes. But this has to do with the os doing stuff in background and this causes hickups sometimes. On my raspberry I run at 1250000 (which is standard baudrate supported by all linux installs) instead of 250k on os x and it runs smoother than on my macbook pro ;). Basically I don't run Xserver or any services on the pi, other than the nodejs and pronsole daemons that way it's fully dedicated to printing and you get great results for only 35$ ;)

bma8315 commented 11 years ago

Now work, thanks!! Good job! Yes i change to 125000bps. And i install it not on PI, stick MK802 and it work too.

w-A-L-L-e commented 11 years ago

Yeah I've been printing with it all weekend also ;). Anyway I really want to get following features asap:

  1. dropdown box to select any file instead of only printing last upload.
  2. Add some config stuff like bed and hotend temps.

One and 2 makes printing of kits really easy you upload the wanted files and just browse to one of the printers in the farm select and print ;).

  1. Not really that important but nice to have 'live updating of status'
  2. Add some extra tweaking to existing gcode files : using simple grep/awk you can easily replace the temperature etc on existing gcodes. Also add some init/exit code so you don't have to set them in slic3r but can change/add them in the interface will be good to haves.

Any help is appreciated. Basically this was written as excuse to learn node.js on 2 days so it definitely needs more work ;)

bma8315 commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately I don't know JavaScript and node.js, but is in any case ready to help.

w-A-L-L-e commented 11 years ago

Hey that MK802 looks like a really cool device also! At work we will probably use it for our barcode scanners at festivals now that I pointed it out ;). Anyway yeah maybe if you find the time some styling with jquery mobile (css for mobiles etc.). That way we can have the interface work nicely from the iphone, ipad or android tabs too ! It already works on my android apart from the links being a little harder to click with your finger without zooming in.

So that's basically some html + css work just do a download source of the printer page and you can make a mokup that I can plug into the real thing later. Well that's if you've got some spare time.

Als thanks for testing this on MK802!


bma8315 commented 11 years ago

I am well ready to try, but at first I need to study this subject a little. And i print print print and very happy!