w-divad-9142 / bikes-v-drones

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rules and tutorial #2

Open david-wolgemuth opened 3 months ago

david-wolgemuth commented 3 months ago

Bikes vs. Drones 2: This Time It's Personal

Rule Book

Page 1: Introduction and Objective


Welcome to "Bikes vs. Drones 2: This Time It's Personal," a strategic board game where players control either a team of human bikers or a swarm of drones. Humans are on a mission to protect the rare and valuable lambdasaurus, while the drones are determined to exterminate it, considering it a pest. Engage in tactical battles, plan your moves carefully, and use your unique abilities to achieve victory.


For Bikers:

For Drones:

Page 2: Components

Game Components

  1. Game Board:

    • A hexagonal grid representing the battleground where the bikers and drones will face off.
  2. Biker Units:

    • Scout: Agile and fast, scouts are essential for gathering intelligence and positioning.
    • Enforcer: Strong and resilient, enforcers provide heavy defense and can engage multiple drones at once.
    • B.O.N.E. (Biker Operative Network Enforcer): Specialized units with advanced capabilities to support and protect the lambdasaurus.
  3. Drone Units:

    • D.R.O.E. (Drone Reconnaissance and Offensive Entity): Highly efficient and capable of both scouting and attacking.
  4. Terrain Tiles:

    • Various tiles representing different terrains like Tree Moss, Grasses, and Water, affecting the movement and strategy of both bikers and drones.
  5. Lambdasaurus:

    • The rare and valuable creature that the bikers are protecting and the drones are targeting.

Setting Up the Game

  1. Place the Game Board: Lay out the game board in the center of the playing area.
  2. Position the Units:
    • Bikers: Place the Scout, Enforcer, and B.O.N.E. units on their starting positions.
    • Drones: Position the D.R.O.E. units according to the scenario setup.
  3. Place the Lambdasaurus: Set the lambdasaurus in its designated starting location.
  4. Distribute Terrain Tiles: Randomly distribute the terrain tiles across the board, ensuring a mix of Tree Moss, Grasses, and Water tiles.

Next Steps

Continue to the next pages for detailed rules on movement, combat, special abilities, and victory conditions. Engage strategically and remember, every move counts in "Bikes vs. Drones 2: This Time It's Personal."

david-wolgemuth commented 3 months ago

Card Captions

  1. Top Left: Drone Scout

    • Description: This drone is on the lookout for any intruders near the nature reserve.
  2. Top Right: Drone Enforcer

    • Description: Equipped with advanced technology, this drone enforces the perimeter.
  3. Bottom Left: Biker Strategist

    • Description: This biker is planning the next move to protect the lambdasaurus.
  4. Bottom Right: Biker Guardian

    • Description: Positioned at the nature reserve, this biker ensures the lambdasaurus is safe.

Detailed Card Descriptions:

Top Left: Drone Scout

Top Right: Drone Enforcer

Bottom Left: Biker Strategist

Bottom Right: Biker Guardian

Scene Overview

These captions provide context and enhance the understanding of each character's role within the game.