w-divad-9142 / bikes-v-drones

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winning conditions #3

Open david-wolgemuth opened 3 months ago

david-wolgemuth commented 3 months ago

Bikes vs. Drones 2: This Time It's Personal Tutorial


🥕 This game is called Bikes vs. Drones 2, I thought it would be a fun game to play! 🥕 It is inspired by the Discworld Trolls vs. Dwarfs game. 🥕 Some say the trolls always win.


🥕 The objective of the game depends on which side you're on. 🥕 If you're playing as the Bikers, your goal is to protect the lambdasaurus. 🥕 If you're on the Drone team, your mission is to destroy the lambdasaurus.

Game Components

🥕 Let's take a look at the components of the game.

  1. Game Board:

    • A hexagonal grid representing the battleground where the bikers and drones will face off.
  2. Biker Units:

    • Scout: Agile and fast, scouts are essential for gathering intelligence and positioning.
    • Enforcer: Strong and resilient, enforcers provide heavy defense and can engage multiple drones at once.
    • B.O.N.E. (Biker Operative Network Enforcer): Specialized units with advanced capabilities to support and protect the lambdasaurus.
  3. Drone Units:

    • D.R.O.E. (Drone Reconnaissance and Offensive Entity): Highly efficient and capable of both scouting and attacking.
  4. Terrain Tiles:

    • Various tiles representing different terrains like Tree Moss, Grasses, and Water, affecting the movement and strategy of both bikers and drones.
  5. Lambdasaurus:

    • The rare and valuable creature that the bikers are protecting and the drones are targeting.

Setting Up the Game

🥕 Now, let's set up the game.

  1. Place the Game Board: Lay out the game board in the center of the playing area.
  2. Position the Units:
    • Bikers: Place the Scout, Enforcer, and B.O.N.E. units on their starting positions.
    • Drones: Position the D.R.O.E. units according to the scenario setup.
  3. Place the Lambdasaurus: Set the lambdasaurus in its designated starting location.
  4. Distribute Terrain Tiles: Randomly distribute the terrain tiles across the board, ensuring a mix of Tree Moss, Grasses, and Water tiles.

Winning Moves

For the Bikers

🥕 Let's go over how the Bikers can win the game.

1. Take Down All Drones

🥕 The Bikers can win by eliminating all the drones on the board. This requires strategic positioning and effective use of the Enforcers and B.O.N.E. units. Coordinate attacks to ensure no drone remains operational.

2. Patrol the Forest

🥕 The Bikers can set up patrols in the forested areas, using the terrain to their advantage. Scouts can move swiftly through these areas to monitor and engage drones, preventing them from reaching the lambdasaurus.

3. Imprison / Hostile Tactics

🥕 Capture drones by surrounding them with multiple Biker units, effectively neutralizing their threat. Use Enforcers to block drone pathways and restrict their movements.

For the Drones

🥕 Now, let's cover how the Drones can secure victory.

1. Exterminate the Lambdasaurus

🥕 The primary objective for the drones is to eliminate the lambdasaurus. Drones should focus their attacks on the area where the lambdasaurus is located, overcoming the Biker defenses to achieve their goal.

2. Invade and Destroy

🥕 Launch a full-scale invasion, using D.R.O.E. units to breach Biker defenses. Focus on weakening the Bikers by targeting their key units and structures, creating a path to the lambdasaurus.

3. Take Down Biker HQ

🥕 Drones can also aim to destroy the Biker headquarters. This will significantly cripple the Bikers' ability to protect the lambdasaurus, making it easier to complete their mission.

Playing the Game

🥕 Each player will take turns to move their units, engage in combat, and use special abilities. 🥕 The bikers and drones have unique abilities and strategies that they can use to achieve their objectives. 🥕 Plan your moves carefully and anticipate your opponent's strategies to win the game.

Winning the Game

🥕 The game ends when either the lambdasaurus is destroyed by the drones or successfully protected by the bikers. 🥕 The bikers win if they can protect the lambdasaurus until the end of the game. 🥕 The drones win if they can destroy the lambdasaurus before the game ends.

🥕 That's the basic overview of the game. Now, let's dive into the detailed rules and start playing!

Feel free to adjust any sections or add more details as needed.