w-okada / voice-changer

リアルタイムボイスチェンジャー Realtime Voice Changer
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[REQUEST]: Will voice-changer support fcpe in RVC ? #1066

Closed icecoins closed 6 months ago

icecoins commented 6 months ago

In a few words, describe your idea

My idea is to implement fcpe

More information

Some users said that the fcpe in RVC perform better than rmvpe, the delay can be lower.

Will voice-changer support fcpe in RVC ?

IMG from https://github.com/RVC-Project/Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI/blob/main/README.md

icecoins commented 6 months ago

Hi, I try to copy the code from RVC to implement fcpe, and it seems that voice-changer is working properly.


But I don't know how to optimize the code, and the simple merged code may encounter bugs. The modified files and code are below ( I don't know which file is crucial, so I modified all of them directly ) :

( add the option of fcpe )


                "name": "configArea",
                "options": {
                    "detectors": ["dio", "harvest", "crepe", "crepe_full", "crepe_tiny", "rmvpe", "rmvpe_onnx", "fcpe"],
                    "inputChunkNums": [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384]

( add the option of fcpe )


export const F0Detector = {
    dio: "dio",
    harvest: "harvest",
    crepe: "crepe",
    crepe_full: "crepe_full",
    crepe_tiny: "crepe_tiny",
    rmvpe: "rmvpe",
    rmvpe_onnx: "rmvpe_onnx",
    fcpe: "fcpe",
} as const;

( add the option of fcpe )


PitchExtractorType: TypeAlias = Literal[

( add the requirement of torchfcpe, the latest version )



( new file, use the torchfcpe to infer )


import numpy as np
from const import PitchExtractorType
from voice_changer.RVC.deviceManager.DeviceManager import DeviceManager
from voice_changer.RVC.pitchExtractor.PitchExtractor import PitchExtractor
import torchfcpe

class FcpePitchExtractor(PitchExtractor):

    def __init__(self, gpu: int):
        self.pitchExtractorType: PitchExtractorType = "fcpe"
        self.device = DeviceManager.get_instance().getDevice(gpu)
        self.fcpe = torchfcpe.spawn_bundled_infer_model(self.device)

    # I merge the code of Voice-Changer-CrepePitchExtractor and RVC-fcpe-infer, sry I don't know how to optimize the function.
    def extract(self, audio, pitchf, f0_up_key, sr, window, silence_front=0):
        start_frame = int(silence_front * sr / window)
        real_silence_front = start_frame * window / sr

        silence_front_offset = int(np.round(real_silence_front * sr))
        audio = audio[silence_front_offset:]

        f0_min = 50
        f0_max = 1100
        f0_mel_min = 1127 * np.log(1 + f0_min / 700)
        f0_mel_max = 1127 * np.log(1 + f0_max / 700)

        f0 = self.fcpe.infer(
        f0 = f0.squeeze()

        f0 *= pow(2, f0_up_key / 12)
        pitchf[-f0.shape[0]:] = f0.detach().cpu().numpy()[:pitchf.shape[0]]
        f0bak = pitchf.copy()
        f0_mel = 1127.0 * np.log(1.0 + f0bak / 700.0)
        f0_mel = np.clip(
            (f0_mel - f0_mel_min) * 254.0 / (f0_mel_max - f0_mel_min) + 1.0, 1.0, 255.0
        pitch_coarse = f0_mel.astype(int)
        return pitch_coarse, pitchf

( add the option of FcpePitchExtractor)


from voice_changer.RVC.pitchExtractor.FcpePitchExtractor import FcpePitchExtractor
    def loadPitchExtractor(
        cls, pitchExtractorType: PitchExtractorType, gpu: int
    ) -> PitchExtractor:
        if pitchExtractorType == "harvest":
            return HarvestPitchExtractor()
        elif pitchExtractorType == "dio":
            return DioPitchExtractor()
        elif pitchExtractorType == "crepe":
            return CrepePitchExtractor(gpu)
        elif pitchExtractorType == "crepe_tiny":
            return CrepeOnnxPitchExtractor(pitchExtractorType, cls.params.crepe_onnx_tiny, gpu)
        elif pitchExtractorType == "crepe_full":
            return CrepeOnnxPitchExtractor(pitchExtractorType, cls.params.crepe_onnx_full, gpu)
        elif pitchExtractorType == "rmvpe":
            return RMVPEPitchExtractor(cls.params.rmvpe, gpu)
        elif pitchExtractorType == "rmvpe_onnx":
            return RMVPEOnnxPitchExtractor(cls.params.rmvpe_onnx, gpu)
        elif pitchExtractorType == "fcpe":
            # add the FcpePitchExtractor
            return FcpePitchExtractor(gpu)
            # return hubert as default
            print("[Voice Changer] PitchExctractor not found", pitchExtractorType)
            print("                fallback to dio")
            return DioPitchExtractor()
I hope you can correct my code and implement  fcpe in RVC one day, thanks for your attention !