w-okada / voice-changer

リアルタイムボイスチェンジャー Realtime Voice Changer
15.27k stars 1.64k forks source link

[ISSUE]: Frequent Errors Occur. Please check if the model of the framework being targeted is loaded. #1212

Closed tahuwashere closed 1 month ago

tahuwashere commented 1 month ago

Voice Changer Version

Operational System

Windows 10


AMD RX 6750 XT

Read carefully and check the options

Model Type


Issue Description

Everytime I click on "Start" it only shows "Buff : 240 ms" and the rest are on 0 ms on the top-left stats of the model picture. My input and outputs are correctly set and it used to work fine before on an older version (till it stopped detecting my gpu). I deleted the previous MMC folder and extracted the latest one and now everything's fine except there's no feedback after speaking. I did restart my computer a few times to no result. After a few seconds I get this popup message "Frequent Errors Occur. Please check if the model of the framework being targeted is loaded."

Application Screenshot


Logs on console

D:\Software\Voice Changer\VC Client\MMVCServerSIO>MMVCServerSIO.exe -p 18888 --https false --content_vec_500 pretrain/checkpoint_best_legacy_500.pt --content_vec_500_onnx pretrain/content_vec_500.onnx --content_vec_500_onnx_on true --hubert_base pretrain/hubert_base.pt --hubert_base_jp pretrain/rinna_hubert_base_jp.pt --hubert_soft pretrain/hubert/hubert-soft-0d54a1f4.pt --nsf_hifigan pretrain/nsf_hifigan/model --crepe_onnx_full pretrain/crepe_onnx_full.onnx --crepe_onnx_tiny pretrain/crepe_onnx_tiny.onnx --rmvpe pretrain/rmvpe.pt --model_dir model_dir --samples samples.json Booting PHASE :main PYTHON:3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] Activating the Voice Changer. [Voice Changer] download sample catalog. samples_0004_t.json [Voice Changer] download sample catalog. samples_0004_o.json [Voice Changer] download sample catalog. samples_0004_d.json [Voice Changer] model_dir is already exists. skip download samples. Internal_Port:18888 protocol: HTTP

Please open the following URL in your browser.
In many cases, it will launch when you access any of the following URLs.

[VCClient] Access [VCClient] wait web server...0 Booting PHASE :main Booting PHASE :MMVCServerSIO [Voice Changer] VoiceChangerManager initializing... [Voice Changer] model slot is changed -1 -> 4 ................RVC [Voice Changer] [RVCr2] Creating instance VoiceChangerV2 Initialized (GPU_NUM(cuda):0, mps_enabled:False, onnx_device:CPU-DML) [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings gpu:0 [Voice Changer][RVCr2] Initializing... gin_channels: 256 self.spk_embed_dim: 109 [Voice Changer] generate new embedder. (no embedder) [VCClient] wait web server...10 [VCClient] wait web server...20 [VCClient] wait web server...30 [Voice Changer] Loading index... Try loading... model_dir\4\added_IVF449_Flat_nprobe_1_BrettCooper_v2.index GENERATE INFERENCER<voice_changer.RVC.inferencer.RVCInferencerv2.RVCInferencerv2 object at 0x000002137E09FD30> GENERATE EMBEDDER<voice_changer.RVC.embedder.OnnxContentvec.OnnxContentvec object at 0x0000021337AFC910> GENERATE PITCH EXTRACTOR<voice_changer.RVC.pitchExtractor.RMVPEOnnxPitchExtractor.RMVPEOnnxPitchExtractor object at 0x0000021337AFC940> [Voice Changer] [RVC] Initializing... done [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings f0Detector:crepe_tiny [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings modelSlotIndex:1716266619004 [Voice Changer] VoiceChangerManager initializing... done. [Voice Changer] MMVC_Rest initializing... [Voice Changer] MMVC_Rest initializing... done. [Voice Changer] MMVC_SocketIOApp initializing... [Voice Changer] MMVC_SocketIOApp initializing... done. [VCClient] wait web server... done 200 [2024-05-21 12:03:59] connet sid : yd2RmnaB3JHEs690AAAB [2024-05-21 12:04:00] connet sid : 4CUqdm1G7d6FaryCAAAD [Voice Changer] update configuration: modelSlotIndex 1716271446000 [Voice Changer] model slot is changed 4 -> 0 ................RVC [Voice Changer] [RVCr2] Creating instance VoiceChangerV2 Initialized (GPU_NUM(cuda):0, mps_enabled:False, onnx_device:CPU-DML) Pipeline has been deleted [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings gpu:0 [Voice Changer][RVCr2] Initializing... 2024-05-21 12:04:08.1482760 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1169 onnxruntime::VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Some nodes were not assigned to the preferred execution providers which may or may not have an negative impact on performance. e.g. ORT explicitly assigns shape related ops to CPU to improve perf. 2024-05-21 12:04:08.1542859 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1171 onnxruntime::VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Rerunning with verbose output on a non-minimal build will show node assignments. [Voice Changer] generate new embedder. (anyway) [Voice Changer] Loading index... [Voice Changer] Index file is not found GENERATE INFERENCER<voice_changer.RVC.inferencer.OnnxRVCInferencer.OnnxRVCInferencer object at 0x0000021337AFCB80> GENERATE EMBEDDER<voice_changer.RVC.embedder.OnnxContentvec.OnnxContentvec object at 0x000002137E09FD30> GENERATE PITCH EXTRACTOR<voice_changer.RVC.pitchExtractor.RMVPEOnnxPitchExtractor.RMVPEOnnxPitchExtractor object at 0x000002137E09F970> [Voice Changer] [RVC] Initializing... done [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings f0Detector:crepe_tiny [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings modelSlotIndex:1716271446000