Open The-Hipnotist opened 1 year ago
I can not reproduce.
Just tried the onnxcuda version, that one work's without the tune change. I must've gotten the wrong version.
I stand corrected, it is doing it again with the same voice, once i switch to it, all the other voices are off tune.
Edit: If I dont switch to the affected voice, every other voice is fine.
maybe your model is nof0 model. check it.
how do i do that?
check here
This is what it says for the model:
Edit: Just tried to reimport the models, its still doing the same thing
no time to reproduce...
Issue Type
Bug Report
vc client version number
Windows 11
Clear setting
Sample model
Input chunk num
Wait for a while
The GUI successfully launched.
read tutorial
Extract files to a new folder.
Voice Changer type
Model type
It depends on the model, but for the most part its pytorch.
Whenever I switch to a new voice (in server mode and without changing the chunk size), the tune changes suddenly to a deeper tune than the one I set originally. This was supposedly fixed in the newer version (which I have), but the issue still persists.
If I restart the program with the untuned voice however, it fixes itself and goes back to the original tune, but once I switch to another voice, it persists.
I am currently trying the onnxgpu version as opposed to the onnxdirectML version (since i have an nvidia gpu). I'll close and update this issue if it fixed it.
application window capture
No response
logs on terminal
SlotInfo::: RVCModelSlot(slotIndex=9, voiceChangerType='RVC', name='GDColon', description='', credit='', termsOfUseUrl='', iconFile='model_dir\9\1lV9ZaGS_400x400.jpg', speakers={'0': 'target'}, modelFile='GDColon.pth', indexFile='added_IVF2901_Flat_nprobe_1_GDColon_v2.index', defaultTune=-2, defaultIndexRatio=0, defaultProtect=0.5, isONNX=False, modelType='pyTorchRVCv2', samplingRate=48000, f0=True, embChannels=768, embOutputLayer=12, useFinalProj=False, deprecated=False, embedder='hubert_base', sampleId='')
This is an output of my saved settings for one of my models. It should stay at -2 tune, but it sounds more like -5 or -10.