w-okada / voice-changer

リアルタイムボイスチェンジャー Realtime Voice Changer
15.55k stars 1.68k forks source link

[ISSUE]: Realtime Voice Changer App Not Working #980

Closed Samiel101 closed 8 months ago

Samiel101 commented 8 months ago

Voice Changer Version


Operational System

Windows 10


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4GB)

Read carefully and check the options

Model Type


Issue Description

Hey guys, so I'm new to all of this. I just wanted to try out the voice changing app on discord, went onto Youtube to look for tutorials, followed it through step by step and I still have no idea why it's not working.

Application Screenshot

No response

Logs on console

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Voices\MMVCServerSIO_win_onnxgpu-cuda_v.\MMVCServerSIO>MMVCServerSIO.exe -p 18888 --https false --content_vec_500 pretrain/checkpoint_best_legacy_500.pt --content_vec_500_onnx pretrain/content_vec_500.onnx --content_vec_500_onnx_on true --hubert_base pretrain/hubert_base.pt --hubert_base_jp pretrain/rinna_hubert_base_jp.pt --hubert_soft pretrain/hubert/hubert-soft-0d54a1f4.pt --nsf_hifigan pretrain/nsf_hifigan/model --crepe_onnx_full pretrain/crepe_onnx_full.onnx --crepe_onnx_tiny pretrain/crepe_onnx_tiny.onnx --rmvpe pretrain/rmvpe.pt --model_dir model_dir --samples samples.json Booting PHASE :main PYTHON:3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] Activating the Voice Changer. [Voice Changer] download sample catalog. samples_0003_t2.json [Voice Changer] download sample catalog. samples_0003_o2.json [Voice Changer] download sample catalog. samples_0003_d2.json [Voice Changer] model_dir is already exists. skip download samples. Internal_Port:18888 protocol: HTTP

Please open the following URL in your browser.
In many cases, it will launch when you access any of the following URLs.

[VCClient] Access [VCClient] wait web server...0 Booting PHASE :main Booting PHASE :MMVCServerSIO [Voice Changer] VoiceChangerManager initializing... [Voice Changer] model slot is changed -1 -> 6 ................RVC [Voice Changer] [RVCr2] Creating instance VoiceChangerV2 Initialized (GPU_NUM(cuda):1, mps_enabled:False, onnx_device:GPU) [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings gpu:0 [Voice Changer][RVCr2] Initializing... gin_channels: 256 self.spk_embed_dim: 109 [Voice Changer] generate new embedder. (no embedder) [Voice Changer] use torch contentvec [ONNXRuntimeError] : 7 : INVALID_PROTOBUF : Load model from pretrain/content_vec_500.onnx failed:Protobuf parsing failed. [Voice Changer] exception! loading embedder PytorchStreamReader failed reading zip archive: failed finding central directory cuda:0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "voice_changer\RVC\embedder\EmbedderManager.py", line 47, in loadEmbedder File "voice_changer\RVC\embedder\OnnxContentvec.py", line 17, in loadModel File "onnxruntime\capi\onnxruntime_inference_collection.py", line 347, in init File "onnxruntime\capi\onnxruntime_inference_collection.py", line 384, in _create_inference_session onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.InvalidProtobuf: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 7 : INVALID_PROTOBUF : Load model from pretrain/content_vec_500.onnx failed:Protobuf parsing failed.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "voice_changer\RVC\pipeline\PipelineGenerator.py", line 30, in createPipeline File "voice_changer\RVC\embedder\EmbedderManager.py", line 26, in getEmbedder File "voice_changer\RVC\embedder\EmbedderManager.py", line 51, in loadEmbedder File "voice_changer\RVC\embedder\FairseqHubert.py", line 11, in loadModel File "fairseq\checkpoint_utils.py", line 425, in load_model_ensemble_and_task state = load_checkpoint_to_cpu(filename, arg_overrides) File "fairseq\checkpoint_utils.py", line 315, in load_checkpoint_to_cpu state = torch.load(f, map_location=torch.device("cpu")) File "torch\serialization.py", line 797, in load with _open_zipfile_reader(opened_file) as opened_zipfile: File "torch\serialization.py", line 283, in init super().init(torch._C.PyTorchFileReader(name_or_buffer)) RuntimeError: PytorchStreamReader failed reading zip archive: failed finding central directory [Voice Changer] pipeline create failed. check your model is valid. [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings serverReadChunkSize:832 [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings f0Detector:crepe [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings extraConvertSize:4096 [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings enableServerAudio:0 [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings serverInputDeviceId:1 [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings serverOutputDeviceId:5 [Voice Changer][RVC]: update_settings modelSlotIndex:1699058795006 [Voice Changer] VoiceChangerManager initializing... done. [Voice Changer] MMVC_Rest initializing... [Voice Changer] MMVC_Rest initializing... done. [Voice Changer] MMVC_SocketIOApp initializing... [Voice Changer] MMVC_SocketIOApp initializing... done. [VCClient] wait web server... done 200

w-okada commented 8 months ago



LordSeranox commented 4 months ago

Up 'cause I'd like to see this issue fixed