w0lfschild / cDock-Issue-Tracker

:cake: Enhanced dock customization for macOS
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How to disable cDock with or without uninstalling it 2023. #342

Closed Oneechan69 closed 1 year ago

Oneechan69 commented 1 year ago

cDock is a great app for customizing the look of the dock, but it doesn't automatically get disabled or removed when you uninstall the app, and there's no documentation online on how to disable it if you look it up. I've spent lots of time trying to with no answers, so I went to the MacEnhance discord: https://discord.gg/zjCHuew, which they linked it here in case you're wondering.

I got an answer there to run these commands in the Terminal app: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.macenhance.cd.Injector.plist and killall Dock. This will unload the Launchd daemon for cDock. If you want to re-enable it, then you enter in these commands: sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.macenhance.cd.Injector.plist and killall Dock.