w0ng / vim-hybrid

A dark color scheme for Vim
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Can we get working screenshots in the README? #51

Open rlue opened 6 years ago

rlue commented 6 years ago

The links at the bottom of the README are currently kaput; moreover, for a colorscheme, screenshots should really be at the top of the document, embedded rather than hyperlinked.

With @w0ng's approval, I'd be glad to submit a PR myself, but of course I'm reluctant to put in the effort if the project is no longer maintained.

I also have colorschemes for Terminal.app and alacritty that could be added to the README, if that's kosher.

nyngwang commented 1 year ago

Not sure if anyone still care this, but feel free to use mine:

zacanger commented 2 months ago

You can also always use vimcolorschemes: https://vimcolorschemes.com/w0ng/vim-hybrid/