w0rm / gulp-svgstore

Combine svg files into one with symbol elements
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Extract transformSvg #19

Closed lukasoppermann closed 9 years ago

lukasoppermann commented 9 years ago


did you already extract the transformSvg method to a different gulp plugin? There is one plugin to edit svgs, but I think it mostly handles fonts https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-svgedit/.

I think it would be awesome if you would extract your part to a gulp-svg-edit plugin which just takes one more multiple svgs and does something on them.

This means you could plug it into the flow before the svgstore fires and change something for all seperate icons (like add an attribute, etc.) and you could also use it afterwards to do something like the display:none; stuff when wanting to inline it.

Sadly I have not enough knowledge of gulp to send a PR.

w0rm commented 9 years ago

Hi, there is gulp-cheerio that does the same thing as transformSvg

lukasoppermann commented 9 years ago

Cool, thanks, thats awesome, I did not really get that from the docs though.