w11k / Tydux

Type safe state management for web applications
Apache License 2.0
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Define redux-devtools-extension as dependency or peerDependency #33

Open pburgmer opened 4 years ago

pburgmer commented 4 years ago

Tydux uses redux-devtools-extension, e.g. in store.ts. But it neither declares it as dependency or peerDependency. As of redux itself is declared as peerDependency I would suggest to declare redux-devtools-extension also as peerDependency.

sengmann commented 3 years ago

In the actual package.json this package is reverenced as a dependency as follows "redux-devtools-extension": "2.13.8". Should we close this issue or move it to peer-dependencies?

pburgmer commented 3 years ago

I'm still pro dev-dependency.

romanroe commented 3 years ago

The advantage of peerDependencies that we could declare the dependency but the user could still choose the version, correct? So this should apply to the redux dependency.

The redux-devtools-extension should be listed as devDependency, or shouldn't it?