After first start and complete configuration dialog, ham lib NET works nicely, all fuctions and data readed from my rig works, but at next start, fligi doesn't work anymore. I'll show you my hamlib config and console messages:
With this configuration, fldifi works great first time, but once you close and open it again, fldigi crashes:
`[piter@ThinkPiter ~]$ fldigi
I: [09:40:26] dialogs/tod_clock.cxx : 285 : TOD_init
Time Of Day thread started
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1041 : main
appname: fldigi
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1043 : main
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1044 : main
HomeDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1045 : main
DATA_dir: /home/piter/.fldigi/data/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1046 : main
DebugDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/debug/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1047 : main
HelpDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/help/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1048 : main
KmlDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/kml/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1049 : main
LogsDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/logs/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1050 : main
LoTWDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/LOTW/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1051 : main
MacrosDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/macros/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1052 : main
PalettesDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/palettes/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1053 : main
PicsDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/images/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1054 : main
PskMailDir: /home/piter/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1055 : main
RigsDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/rigs/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1056 : main
ScriptsDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/scripts/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1057 : main
TalkDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/talk/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1058 : main
TempDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/temp/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1059 : main
WrapDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/wrap/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1061 : main
NBEMS directories
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1062 : main
NBEMS_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1063 : main
ARQ_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ARQ/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1064 : main
ARQ_files_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ARQ/files/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1065 : main
ARQ_recv_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ARQ/recv/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1066 : main
ARQ_send: /home/piter/.nbems/ARQ/send/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1067 : main
WRAP_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1068 : main
WRAP_recv_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/recv/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1069 : main
WRAP_send_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/send/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1070 : main
WRAP_auto_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/auto/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1071 : main
ICS_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1072 : main
ICS_msg_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/messages/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1073 : main
ICS_tmp_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/templates/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1075 : main
FLMSG directories
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1076 : main
FLMSG_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1077 : main
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1078 : main
FLMSG_WRAP_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1079 : main
FLMSG_WRAP_recv_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/recv/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1080 : main
FLMSG_WRAP_send_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/send/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1081 : main
FLMSG_WRAP_auto_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/auto/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1082 : main
FLMSG_ICS_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1083 : main
FLMSG_ICS_msg_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/messages/
I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1084 : main
FLMSG_ICS_tmp_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/templates/
I: [09:40:26] misc/dxcc.cxx : 219 : dxcc_open
Could not read contest country file "/home/piter/.fldigi/cty.dat"
I: [09:40:26] misc/dxcc.cxx : 112 : dxcc_internal_data
Using internal cty.dat data
I: [09:40:26] misc/dxcc.cxx : 203 : dxcc_internal_data
Loaded 5495 prefixes for 347 countries from internal cty.dat
You should download the latest from http://www.country-files.com
** Version information:
fldigi 4.1.11
Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Dave Freese, Stelios Bounanos, and others.
Licencia GPLv3+: GNU GPL versión 3 o posterior http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
Este software es de uso libre: usted es libre de modificarlo y redistribuirlo.
No hay NINGUNA GARANTÍA, excepto la permitida por la ley.
** Build information:
Build information:
built : Tue Apr 14 23:16:24 CEST 2020 by piter@ThinkPiter on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Runtime information:
system : Linux ThinkPiter 5.6.3-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 08 Apr 2020 07:47:16 +0000 x86_64
libraries : libsamplerate-0.1.9 (c) 2002-2008 Erik de Castro Lopo
PortAudio V19.6.0-devel, revision 396fe4b6699ae929d3a685b3ef8a7e97396139a4 1246720
Pulseaudio 13.0.0
Hamlib 3.3
Flidig won't open anymore, to use it i have to delete configuration files at .fldigi/ but every time i want to use my rig with hamlib NET, the next start fldigi will crash.
to finish, great job with this software, being a little bit more dificult to use than wsjt-x (first time), i like it so much more than wsjt-x, cw decoder works fast n nice and have a good and responsive waterfall.
Hi, After first start and complete configuration dialog, ham lib NET works nicely, all fuctions and data readed from my rig works, but at next start, fligi doesn't work anymore. I'll show you my hamlib config and console messages:
With this configuration, fldifi works great first time, but once you close and open it again, fldigi crashes:
`[piter@ThinkPiter ~]$ fldigi I: [09:40:26] dialogs/tod_clock.cxx : 285 : TOD_init Time Of Day thread started I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1041 : main appname: fldigi I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1043 : main Directories I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1044 : main HomeDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1045 : main DATA_dir: /home/piter/.fldigi/data/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1046 : main DebugDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/debug/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1047 : main HelpDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/help/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1048 : main KmlDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/kml/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1049 : main LogsDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/logs/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1050 : main LoTWDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/LOTW/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1051 : main MacrosDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/macros/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1052 : main PalettesDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/palettes/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1053 : main PicsDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/images/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1054 : main PskMailDir: /home/piter/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1055 : main RigsDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/rigs/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1056 : main ScriptsDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/scripts/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1057 : main TalkDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/talk/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1058 : main TempDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/temp/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1059 : main WrapDir: /home/piter/.fldigi/wrap/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1061 : main NBEMS directories I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1062 : main NBEMS_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1063 : main ARQ_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ARQ/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1064 : main ARQ_files_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ARQ/files/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1065 : main ARQ_recv_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ARQ/recv/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1066 : main ARQ_send: /home/piter/.nbems/ARQ/send/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1067 : main WRAP_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1068 : main WRAP_recv_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/recv/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1069 : main WRAP_send_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/send/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1070 : main WRAP_auto_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/auto/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1071 : main ICS_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1072 : main ICS_msg_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/messages/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1073 : main ICS_tmp_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/templates/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1075 : main FLMSG directories I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1076 : main FLMSG_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1077 : main FLMSG_dir_default: I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1078 : main FLMSG_WRAP_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1079 : main FLMSG_WRAP_recv_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/recv/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1080 : main FLMSG_WRAP_send_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/send/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1081 : main FLMSG_WRAP_auto_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/WRAP/auto/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1082 : main FLMSG_ICS_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1083 : main FLMSG_ICS_msg_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/messages/ I: [09:40:26] main.cxx : 1084 : main FLMSG_ICS_tmp_dir: /home/piter/.nbems/ICS/templates/ I: [09:40:26] misc/dxcc.cxx : 219 : dxcc_open Could not read contest country file "/home/piter/.fldigi/cty.dat" I: [09:40:26] misc/dxcc.cxx : 112 : dxcc_internal_data Using internal cty.dat data I: [09:40:26] misc/dxcc.cxx : 203 : dxcc_internal_data
Loaded 5495 prefixes for 347 countries from internal cty.dat You should download the latest from http://www.country-files.com
Aborting fldigi due to a fatal error. Please report this to: fldigi-devel@sourceforge.net or file a bug report at: https://fedorahosted.org/fldigi/newticket
** Stack trace: fldigi(+0x36805b)[0x56298e24a05b] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(+0xa32ca)[0x7f1b2cad42ca] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(+0xa3337)[0x7f1b2cad4337] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(+0xa359e)[0x7f1b2cad459e] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(+0x9644c)[0x7f1b2cac744c] fldigi(+0x440b3c)[0x56298e322b3c] fldigi(+0x22ebf8)[0x56298e110bf8] fldigi(+0x2326a5)[0x56298e1146a5] fldigi(main+0xd70)[0x56298dfd1440] /usr/lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf3)[0x7f1b2c878023] fldigi(+0xf68be)[0x56298dfd88be]
** Version information: fldigi 4.1.11 Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Dave Freese, Stelios Bounanos, and others. Licencia GPLv3+: GNU GPL versión 3 o posterior http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Este software es de uso libre: usted es libre de modificarlo y redistribuirlo. No hay NINGUNA GARANTÍA, excepto la permitida por la ley.
** Build information: Build information: built : Tue Apr 14 23:16:24 CEST 2020 by piter@ThinkPiter on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
configure flags: '--prefix=/usr' '--enable-tls' '--with-flxmlrpc' 'CXXFLAGS=-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,-z,now' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' 'CFLAGS=-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt'
compiler : gcc version 9.3.0 (Arch Linux 9.3.0-1)
compiler flags : -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/include -I$(srcdir)/irrxml -I$(srcdir)/libtiniconv -I$(srcdir)/fileselector -I$(srcdir)/mbedtls -pthread -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -pthread -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0 -I/usr/include/libpng16 -pipe -Wall -fexceptions -O2 --param=max-vartrack-size=0 --param=max-vartrack-size=0 -DNDEBUG
linker flags : -lportaudio -lasound -lm -lpthread -L/usr/lib64 -lfltk_images -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfltk -lm -lX11 -lXext -lpthread -lXinerama -lXfixes -lXcursor -lXft -lXrender -lfontconfig -ldl -lX11 -lsndfile -lsamplerate -lpulse-simple -lpulse -pthread -lhamlib -lpng16 -lz -ldl -lpthread -lflxmlrpc
libraries : FLTK 1.3.5 libsamplerate 0.1.9 libsndfile 1.0.28 PortAudio 19 PulseAudio 13.0 Hamlib 3.3
Runtime information: system : Linux ThinkPiter 5.6.3-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 08 Apr 2020 07:47:16 +0000 x86_64
libraries : libsamplerate-0.1.9 (c) 2002-2008 Erik de Castro Lopo libsndfile-1.0.28 PortAudio V19.6.0-devel, revision 396fe4b6699ae929d3a685b3ef8a7e97396139a4 1246720 Pulseaudio 13.0.0 Hamlib 3.3 `
Flidig won't open anymore, to use it i have to delete configuration files at .fldigi/ but every time i want to use my rig with hamlib NET, the next start fldigi will crash.
to finish, great job with this software, being a little bit more dificult to use than wsjt-x (first time), i like it so much more than wsjt-x, cw decoder works fast n nice and have a good and responsive waterfall.
Thakyou, Pedro