w1ld3r / crypto-signal

The #1 Automated Technical Analysis (TA) & Algo. Trading tool for Coinbase, Bittrex, Binance, and more! (Track over 500+ coins)
MIT License
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[FEATURE] Config.YML #22

Closed onradr closed 3 years ago

onradr commented 3 years ago

hi @w1ld3r I've been looking for the setting that will produce the best signal for a long time, but I haven't found it yet. If you have a setting that I can base on and that can generate a useful signal, is it possible to share your config.yml?

w1ld3r commented 3 years ago

Hello @onradr, you can take a look here for strategies. I can't share my config file. Try to ask on the Crypto-Signal discord.