w1ld3r / crypto-signal

The #1 Automated Technical Analysis (TA) & Algo. Trading tool for Coinbase, Bittrex, Binance, and more! (Track over 500+ coins)
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[FEATURE] Added new indicator in the main branch (SQZMOM) #59

Closed velajos closed 2 years ago

velajos commented 2 years ago

Greetings friend,

A new indicator has been added in the main branch called SQZMOM and I wanted to know if you can add it to your code so that it can work with conditionals. Thanks in advance @w1ld3r


w1ld3r commented 2 years ago

Hello @Juanjacinto123, sorry for the delay. Here it is #60 !

velajos commented 2 years ago

Hello @Juanjacinto123, sorry for the delay. Here it is #60 !
