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[FEATURE] Discord charts support #7

Closed htotoo closed 2 years ago

htotoo commented 3 years ago

Hello, It would be great to have the Notifications to Discord include the charts generated too. Based on this doc: https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook it is possible.

Thanks for thinking about it.

w1ld3r commented 3 years ago

Hello @htotoo, I understand that some people are interesting in this functionality (send charts in notification) but, I really don't like this because it's not clear enouth and I prefere to look at my charts on Coinigy. So to be honest with you, I will not take time to implement this. Hope you understand.

htotoo commented 3 years ago

No problem, you inspired me to do it myself. But yet it is a so ugly implementation; if i'll clean it i'll post a PR. In short: changed webcord lib to discord_webhook lib, and used it's add_file method.

w1ld3r commented 3 years ago

Yes I know but we have do deal with it ... I have no time to re-implement everything in a python state of art.

w1ld3r commented 2 years ago

Thanks again @incontestableness