w201rdada / portfolio-Michael-Diamond-Data

portfolio-Michael-Diamond-Data created by GitHub Classroom
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Idea 2 - Good clear question, what's been found so far? #5

Open dvanlunen opened 7 years ago

dvanlunen commented 7 years ago

You do a great job making a tangible question and set of metrics data to be used. I especially like how you break down the attributes into categories because it makes it easier to understand the angles by which you can feed the engine.

I really like the idea of cross platform searching too. Rottentomatoes has a filter button for if something is on Netflix or amazon video, but a filter alone isn’t really helpful. It isn’t personal enough.

One thing I think would be interesting to know is what past work has been done on this. For example, Netflix’s lifeblood is there recommendation engine and I wonder what they have seen.

Is this a problem you often have? One of the most anxiety-inducing things for me is when my wife asks me to pick a movie haha

Michael-Diamond-Data commented 7 years ago

To start with your last comment first -- yes, it seems to be a re-occuring issue in my household between my wife, my three kids, and me --- we can never quite agree on something to watch ... and I'm always convinced that a) there is something out there that would satisfy us all, and b) if there was something a bit more algorithmic, and robust, the family might have more faith in, and patience with, the process.

I think Netflix has lots of good recommendation engine technology, and certainly Amazon does. But i've never seen someone who really goes across platforms, and no one who seems to bring in questions like format, rental period etc into the equation. Frankly some of the platforms don't even let you search by MPAA Rating, or by ratings from companies like Common Sense Media, which for a family with younger children would be a godsend.