w201rdada / portfolio-cpapadimitriou

portfolio-cpapadimitriou created by GitHub Classroom
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Idea #2 Feedback from Michael #7

Open mballschmiede opened 6 years ago

mballschmiede commented 6 years ago

Love-with-AI hopes to leverage data science, and deep learning in particular, to create a more refined online dating experience than what is provided by the cookie-cutter apps currently available.

I'm very intrigued by the concept and am drawn in right away by the topic sentence; I knew that dating apps have become ubiquitous over the course of the past decade but the stat about one third of married couples in the US meeting on them blew my mind. Your intro is succinct and leads nicely into the your explanation of how/where machine learning could potentially be applied in the industry. You make a great point regarding people not always being attracted to those who are similar to them (the ol' "opposites attract" mantra). Your conclusion does a great job of providing a brief summary and ending on a high note.

The only potential red flag I see is with regards to user privacy. Some may balk at the idea of having their private conversations read by others, even if said "others" are computers. That being said, it would be easy enough for Love-with-AI to make this a user-configurable option. Regardless, I would like to see a line or two about how you plan on dealing with that possible hindrance in your conclusion. One option which could be slightly less intrusive would be trying to get user feedback if/when a "match" doesn't work out (which 95% of them inevitably don't) - perhaps by asking them to submit a quick blurb explaining why (i.e. "didn't want kids", "had kids", "didn't look like his/her pictures",...). Of course this too method comes with issues of its own...

Overall very interesting and topical idea. These dating apps are capable of collecting copious amounts of data...seems like a waste not to take advantage! Excited to hear more.

cpapadimitriou commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the great feedback, Michael! I added two sentences in my conclusion to address user privacy.