w201rdada / portfolio-sfswift

portfolio-sfswift created by GitHub Classroom
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under promise over deliver #3

Closed Divyaraaga closed 7 years ago

Divyaraaga commented 7 years ago

Hey Sullivan, I think your idea would be a very good tool for students and advisors and it also has tremendous potential for expansion. Along with insights on the factors that cause gender disparity, this could also be expanded to a recommendation engine that would chart out course paths to students based on their intended major.

Identification and redesigning of 'trouble' courses is an interesting point. This also shows that the scope of the solution is not just restricted to students and advisors, but Universities could also use this analysis to continuously improve their course structure.

I think a slightly more detailed explanation of how you intend to highlight factors causing gender disparity specifically would have helped readers to appreciate the value-add better. I feel your solution, even in its current scope, has the potential to answer more questions than the one question you have highlighted in your problem statement. A classic case of under promise and over deliver?!

sfswift commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Divya! I hadn't even thought much beyond the scope of student advisers, but I think you're right! There are plenty of other interesting applications for something like this - a recommendation engine would be such a great tool to offer students. Thanks for pointing that out!