w2c / ispconfig3_roundcube

ISPConfig3 plugins for Roundcube
GNU General Public License v3.0
180 stars 63 forks source link

Doesn't work with ISPConfig #25

Closed l0rn closed 10 years ago

l0rn commented 10 years ago

This plugin seem to be outdated, maybe some changes in SOAP API of ISConfig?

The account interface of roundcube just shows empty lists and configuration is not possible...

horfic commented 10 years ago

This plugins work just fine. You obvisouly did not set it up correctly!!! As your lists are empty.

Please refer to the install guide: https://github.com/w2c/ispconfig3_roundcube/wiki/Installation-Instructions-%28manual%29

For Troubleshooting see here: https://github.com/w2c/ispconfig3_roundcube/wiki/Troubleshooting---FAQ

l0rn commented 10 years ago

I did look through the guides, but none of them solved this. I encountered a error message whet trying to setup something anyway. It says "Soap Error: There is no sysuser account for this client ID.", so my problem may be related to #13. According to the forum post this is unresolved till now.

horfic commented 10 years ago

This error is due of a misconfiguration of ispconfig. You created with a cp user emails etc. and deleted at some point the cp user. So the corresponding cp user does not exist anymore although the emails, etc are still present and the system gives you this error: Soap Error: There is no sysuser account for this client ID

So you need to add the missing cp user again, or change for mail acc the cp user to an exsisting one. Both things can only be done in mysql (Phpmyadmin, etc.).

gorankav commented 10 years ago

I've just set it up with ISPConfig Works perfectly.

...after I checked all the required permissions of the remote user

tbrehm commented 10 years ago

I have the same problem on the server of a customer here, sys_user and sys_group are correct and the client exists too and is connected correctly to the sys_user and sys_group. Is it possible that the roundcuble plugin does not fully support the custom email user login names, so that the lookup fails when the login name is not the same then the email address?

horfic commented 10 years ago

all mail_user lookups are done as following: $mail_user = $this->soap->mail_user_get($session_id, array('login' => $this->rcmail_inst->user->data['username']));

$uid = $this->soap->client_get_id($session_id, $mail_user[0]['sys_userid']); where $this->rcmail_inst->user->data['username'] is the login name the user provided

what error are you getting exactly?

tbrehm commented 10 years ago

I get the error "SOAP: There is no sys user account for this client ID". The lookup you posted seems to be ok. I guess I will have to debug this a bit further. Thank you for your support!

horfic commented 10 years ago

if the plugin can't find the user, no data will be displayed and no error will be shown.

horfic commented 10 years ago

To Debug: add a print_r($mail_user); in the file plugins/ispconfig3_account/ispconfig3_account.php at line 156 after the definition of $mail_user.

so you can see what data you get from the server. after that look at the sys_userid, remember it and look in the ispconfig database at the table sys_user if a entry with the userid exists.

tables should be something like this

table: mail_user email: test@test.com sys_user: 72

table: sys_user userid: 72 clientid: 69

table: client client_id: 69 company_name: Tester AG

tbrehm commented 10 years ago

I tested the dependencies already, tey are ok. I just have to wait for some details from my client to debug the issue live on his server. I'll let you know what the reason was.

inoted commented 9 years ago

Obrigado horfic!!! Seus comentários me ajudaram muito! thank'ssss