w32blaster / revizor

Revizor - the code review tool.
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To personalize notification messages #16

Closed w32blaster closed 9 years ago

w32blaster commented 9 years ago


At this moment we have the notification feed that shows all the events in the system. But it is quite difficult to find out which events are related personally to you.

As a solution it would be perfect to somehow filter all the notifications showing personally to logged in user.

1. Add two buttons to the notification feed

Add two buttons somewhere on the Notification Feed:

| All notifications | Only my notifications |

When user clicks the first button, then all the messages appear in the feed (as it is at he current moment). The second button will filter all the notifications that are somehow related to current user (replies, assigns and so on...)

2. Personalize notifications

Add new property to a Notification object: relatedTo, that points to an User. This field determines whom this message is related to. For example, the notification:

| User John Doe just left a comment to Max Anderson

In this case the notification should be related to the Max Anderson user. It means, that when Max is logged in to system he sees the message:

| _User John Doe just left a comment to *_you***

All other users will see the same message in original variant.
