w35l3y / userscripts

Public userscripts to be used with Greasemonkey
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Includes_Neopets_Shop_[BETA] #68

Open silentium343 opened 5 years ago

silentium343 commented 5 years ago

Browser: Chrome 69.0.3497.100
Plugin: Tampermonkey 4.7
Script: Includes_NeopetsShop[BETA]
Accessed url: http://www.neopets.com/market.phtml?type=your
Installation url: https://github.com/w35l3y/userscripts/blob/master/scripts/Neopets_Price_Checker/112692.user.js
Error Message: Buying Bottle of Water... userscript.html?id=5417fa27-c55e-4544-a104-84f103e5dea3:2526 {error: 0, message: undefined, list: Array(13)} userscript.html?id=5417fa27-c55e-4544-a104-84f103e5dea3:2526 {error: 0, message: b, list: Array(11)}



for (var ai = 0,at = items.length;ai < at;++ai) { var item = items[ai], img = item.getElementsByTagName("img")[0], texts = xpath(".//text()[not(starts-with(., ' '))]", item.parentNode);

      "Id" : /&obj_info_id=(\d+)/.test(item.href) && RegExp.$1 || NaN,
      "Link" : ( /^http:/i.test(item.href) ? "" : "http://www.neopets.com" + ( /^\//.test(item.href) ? "" : "/" ) ) + item.href,
      "Image" : img.src,
      "Name" : texts[0].textContent,
      "Description" : img.getAttribute("title"),
      "Quantity" : parseInt(texts[1].textContent.replace(/[,.]+/g, "").match(/\d+/), 10),
      "Price" : parseInt(texts[2].textContent.replace(/[,.]+/g, "").match(/\d+/), 10),

} console.log(obj);

Expected behavior: When using buy feature, item is purchased
Actual behavior: Popup window stating: Parameter 'link' is wrong/missing.
Steps to reproduce:

    • Install Price Checker, Ctrl+Click to autobuy or use hotkey, view console