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Analisar thread - state machine grupo de estudo de rust #43

Open AIengineer13 opened 1 week ago

AIengineer13 commented 1 week ago

analisar o a thread em inglês onde explica sobre state machine

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Did you know that there's a crucial component in blockchain that nobody is talking about? 🤔 It's the backbone of the industry, and without it, the entire ecosystem would collapse. 🌐 I'm talking about the State Machine. 🤖 follow the thread : 🚀 #Blockchain #StateMachine

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firs of all what is a state machine? a state machine is a fundamental computation model that can be implemented using both hardware and software. It is a simple yet powerful concept that determines its output based on both its current state and the input it receives

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Think of state machines like robots 🤖 They have different states (moods) and based on their input, they perform specific actions. Just like happy robots solve problems, state machines process transactions

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State machines are the foundation of many systems, not just blockchain, but also the computer industry as a whole. They provide a formal way to model and reason about complex systems, making them a crucial tool for designing and developing software and hardware.

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In the world of state machine are different types of states machines. those types are : Moore Machines,Mealy Machines,Harel Statecharts,Deterministic Finite-State Machines (DFSMs),Non-Deterministic Finite-State Machines (NDFSMs), and UML State Machines

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The main ones or the ones that are more discussed are Deterministic finite state machines(DFSMs) and Non-Determinitisc finite-state machines(NDFSMs) lets short their names to be more easy to digest.

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DFSMs Are state machines that guarantee a single output for each input, making them perfect for systems that require precise control. Think elevators, traffic lights, or vending machines - DFSMs keep things running smoothly #DFSM #StateMachines”

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NFSMs Unlike deterministic machines, NFSMs can handle multiple possible transitions from a given state on a given input symbol. This flexibility makes them powerful for modeling complex systems, but also introduces challenges in analysis and computation. #NFSM #StateMachines”

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Example of a state machine : Your coffee maker has 3 states: off, brewing, and ready. It starts off, turns on to brew, and completes brewing to become ready. Pressing off returns it to off. Simple example of state transitions in everyday devices

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Ok but now lets go to the fundemental question why is state machines important for blockchain lets say like this blockchain is basicly a state machine!! yes you heard a blockchain is state machine that make descisions based on the data that he has stored.

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Blockchains are like specialized state machines on steroids they make decisions based on the data that is shared by a network making them the best way of tracking ownership or state of data. Each block represents a state change, and the chain reflects the complete history.

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In the world technoligy state machines have very diferrent use cases not only in blockchain but all computer sector so maybe when you think about blockchain you should also think about states machines

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Wanna know more about state machines and blockchain come and be part of a group of developers who are learning how to. build a blockchain right know for free be part of our community of developers who are constatly learning