w3c-ccg / community

COMMUNITY: W3C Credentials Community Group Community Repo
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Code of conduct reference in w3c-ccg repos #169

Closed brianwmunz closed 3 years ago

brianwmunz commented 3 years ago

New Work Item Proposal

See W3C-CCG New Work Item Process

Include Link to Abstract or Draft

While there is a code of conduct referenced for w3c, it is a common practice to have a code of conduct in individual repositories. Should we make it a requirement for existing and future w3c-ccg repositories to include a code of conduct? @w3c-ccg/chairs

List Owners


vsnt commented 3 years ago

This appears to be a request to add the code of conduct as a requirement to all new work items. This would be an additional CCG work item requirement and we could use our standard CCG code of conduct or the PWE code.

We should discuss at a future meeting.

vsnt commented 3 years ago

@brianwmunz would you be willing to speak about this on Jan 5, during our meeting? Thanks.

brianwmunz commented 3 years ago

Sure, sounds good.

vsnt commented 3 years ago

Great! Thank you @brianwmunz

vsnt commented 3 years ago

We will discuss at 1/6/2021: 10am PT / 1pm ET meeting. Details: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2020Dec/0208.html

@brianwmunz - please note the day & time change. Will you be able to make this? Thanks.

brianwmunz commented 3 years ago

That works for me. Thanks.

vsnt commented 3 years ago

Discussed at 1/6/2021 meeting, no issues. Use the existing W3C one. Best practice, reference the code of conduct and link from the ReadMe of each repo. Add this to the new work item template. Manu says, W3C WG already reference this, so CCG can look to see how this is done and replicate.

msporny commented 3 years ago

Here is how W3C Working Groups do it:


They create a file called CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md that links to the W3C document.

They then reference that from their top-level README.md:


This can all be automated through a Github new project template.

vsnt commented 3 years ago

@brianwmunz what's your LinkedIn profile (for the mintues)? Thanks.

ChristopherA commented 3 years ago

Note that you can add a repo called .github in the community, and its contents are then shown in EVERY repo in that community (unless overridden by a local file). See https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/building-a-strong-community/creating-a-default-community-health-file

vsnt commented 3 years ago

Reviewed and accepted at 1/27 call. https://w3c-ccg.github.io/workitem-process/