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COMMUNITY: W3C Credentials Community Group Community Repo
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[PROPOSED WORK ITEM] Break out use-cases for VC-[HTTP-]API as distinct repo with Editors #207

Closed bumblefudge closed 2 years ago

bumblefudge commented 3 years ago

New Work Item Proposal

vc-http-api use cases as a distinct repo/work-item

Include Link to Abstract or Draft

Here's the working file the group has been using for weeks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-u0_Ub6feiX6DH3jXFJFjt6n3CwKGpkmC3VISqDkWL4/edit#

List Owners

Primary editor: Eric Schuh (Legendary Requirements), @eric-schuh Secondary editor: Juan Caballero (Spruce Systems), @bumblefudge

Work Item Questions

Answer the following questions in order to document how you are meeting the requirements for a new work item at the W3C Credentials Community Group. Please note if this work item supports the Silicon Valley Innovation program or another government or private sector project.

  1. Explain what you are trying to do using no jargon or acronyms.

Simply want the use-case documents to have a distinct respec repo and git history from the API's documents.

  1. How is it done today, and what are the limits of the current practice?

The API working group's current documentation is limited to markdown files; building the use-case document could happen in the repo, but we feel that both weekly meetings and github-based discussions would both be clearer and easier for more people to track and participate in with the use-cases happening elsewhere in parallel.

  1. What is new in your approach and why do you think it will be successful?

At the moment, not much! We're hoping to make a use-case document similar to the VC use-cases doc, and inherent some of the ReSpec JS tooling that autogenerated the tables and linked indexes.

  1. How are you involving participants from multiple skill sets and global locations in this work item? (Skill sets: technical, design, product, marketing, anthropological, and UX. Global locations: the Americas, APAC, Europe, Middle East.)

We welcome inputs from the "business side of the house" to help us refine and iterate these use cases!

  1. What actions are you taking to make this work item accessible to a non-technical audience?

We can keep the google doc if it helps!

vsnt commented 3 years ago

Sounds like a great idea. Keeping it accessible via a google doc is important. You may also want to learn from the VC-EDU group on making use case work inclusive to folks not on github. @kayaelle & @kimdhamilton would probably have comments/suggest others to comment.

adding @mprorock as he is co-chair, and removing @kimdhamilton because I think she has mistakenly been added. If you meant to specifically add her, apologies.

mprorock commented 3 years ago

+1 big approval from my side - @wyc any objections to getting this up?

bumblefudge commented 3 years ago

I did not tag Kim on purpose, but thanks for checking! I think last time this happened TallTed pointed out some kind of repo-wide configuration or setting for default reviewers

TallTed commented 3 years ago

I did not tag Kim on purpose, but thanks for checking! I think last time this happened TallTed pointed out some kind of repo-wide configuration or setting for default reviewers

Last time, it was a PR, which auto-requests reviews from CODEOWNERS for the repo, which I updated at that time.

This time, it's a PROPOSED WORK ITEM, which auto-assigns based on the template, for which I've now put in PR #208, to remove @kimdhamilton and add @mprorock.

wyc commented 3 years ago

No objections here, looks great! Good to see some new names contributing too.

bumblefudge commented 3 years ago

This time, it's a PROPOSED WORK ITEM, which auto-assigns based on the template, for which I've now put in PR #208, to remove @kimdhamilton and add @mprorock.

A gentleman, a scholar, and a team player to boot! Thanks again!

vsnt commented 3 years ago

I have added this work item to the 9/21 CCG call agenda to review+discuss with the community. Would the owners please attend this meeting. Thank you. https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0074.html

vsnt commented 3 years ago

Per discussion at the 9/21 CCG call, this work item has entered the 7 day review period. If anyone has concerns about this becoming a work item, it should be raised prior to EOD Sept 29, 2021. If no concerns are raised, this will move to a work item at that time.

vsnt commented 2 years ago

This repo has been transferred and is ready to go here: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-api-use-cases.