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Create instructions and policies for hosting CCG meetings for work items and task forces #220

Closed wyc closed 2 years ago

wyc commented 3 years ago

As per CCG discussion on 4/20. Need:

OR13 commented 3 years ago

Add links to all work items that have regular meetings, label work items that have no regular meetings

TallTed commented 3 years ago

Publication of a complete calendar of CCG (including all sub-groups) meetings, regular or irregular, would also be helpful, especially if it allows for sub-selection (aka subscription) by task force, work item, or the like.

vsnt commented 3 years ago

FYI, lots of instructions here: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/. You will want to look around so you don't duplicate work, although some of those may need to be updated.

Publishing minutes via github: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/publish_minutes.html via github desktop: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xsFZ6GKOHLsYwIN8DGYnVZRtxvx9eVZ4QQ6WJF6zgcI/edit

Also a folder for documentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1v_aOB4SVfzcCqtSpwLVcqqvwk700TuoP

@TallTed we have a not perfect google calendar (you have to log into a CCG account to add): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=ZTE4N2hnNDFocm1zZG4zM2xwMjQ3NWNwOTBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

TallTed commented 3 years ago

@vsnt -- Trying neither to increase anyone else's workload, nor to volunteer for a thing I don't have enough spare cycles for, my issue with the existing CCG calendar is that it includes only (so far as I can tell at quick review) weekly CCG "proper", plus (some?) CCG 101, plus tomorrow's special VC-HTTP-API call.

I don't think those are all the current and near-future meetings happening under CCG aegis, but maybe I'm wrong.

I am personally particularly curious about the SVIP Cohort, and how that came to be, and how/why it's persisting as what seems to be a subgroup of CCG, but (partially?) behind (partially?) closed doors, either of which partiality would seem to make it impossible to be CCG, and yet....

(by "you have to log into a CCG account to add", did you mean "[use a CCG-specific Google ID] to add [events to the calendar]"? That's probably a not-too significant issue; it makes sense to me that CCG chairs should be the primary maintainers, perhaps with delegation to include leaders of task forces, work items, and the like. The piece I'm looking for is ease-of-subscription, so as to learn of upcoming events which may be of interest, accompanied by ease-of-ignorance, so as to disable alarms about sessions/sub-groups which are not of interest.)

vsnt commented 3 years ago

@TallTed you raised great points about the SVIP cohort. The basic idea is (and this isn't my program, just what I know from periphery) is the SVIP is supporting the development of these standards by funding certain companies. Part of that work (the interop/standards parts) are done under the CCG. In this way, the SVIP funding not only helps the immediate companies, but also the competitive marketplace. I've got some SVIP main stage presentation plans, and I'll add your questions to those presenters.

You are correct re: the CCG-specific google ID. I think the can be resolved through better internal organization. Things are spread out across various platforms & in folders & we have quite a few calls (taskforces/work items).

vsnt commented 2 years ago

Closing - most of this documentation is already on the CCG gDrive, the github.io site or will be formalized during the upcoming chair transfer.